
标题: 新车Drive away 价格包含哪些? [打印本页]

作者: timebirds    时间: 31-12-2012 20:21
标题: 新车Drive away 价格包含哪些?
新车价格往往分为RRP价格和drive away价格两种。之间一般能差三五千,豪华车更多。那么,后者包含了哪些费用?如果将二手车和新车价格比较的时候,如何比较?一般新车能讲下来多少价格(或者等值礼品,譬如保险)?
买二手车,注册费和过户费也是要自己缴纳,不含在车价里。而这两项买新车已经含在drive away价格里头了。

此外,drive away价格还有哪些构成呢?只有搞清楚这些,才能更好地比较新车和二手车到底哪个划算。

作者: sailor601    时间: 1-1-2013 09:14
注意,有的DA 的价格是不包括油漆的.
作者: 西澳海豚    时间: 1-1-2013 10:06
Drive Away = RRP + on road cost 所有杂费(‘on-roads’ components of dealer delivery, registration, stamp duty, compulsory third party insurance and any other charges)(但是不包括保险)




Drive Away No More to Pay -
this price includes dealer and government costs borne by the consumer, such as stamp duty, dealer delivery (if it is a new vehicle) and accessories that are either factory fitted or dealer fitted on this particular vehicle.
Other Costs associated with car insurance etc are not included unless stated. Drive Away prices are indicative only – government charges vary according to the purchaser’s personal circumstances (for example, postcode, driving history and how the purchaser intends to use the vehicle).
Consult a dealer to determine charges applicable to you. On occasion, the provision by a dealer of both an Excludes Government Charges and Drive Away No More to Pay price may result in the Drive Away No More to Pay of a car being displayed which is over and above the price range you have entered.
The reason for this is to enable a consumer to conduct an "apples with apples" comparison with any other Exc Govt. Charges vehicles on the website which meet the search criteria they have entered (eg: private seller cars).
作者: timebirds    时间: 1-1-2013 12:46
连印花税过户费以及注册费(是一年吗?)都算进去了,而买二手车,不管是私人还是dealer那里,一般都还要自己去缴纳这些,如果是拍卖的,还有拍卖的费用。RRP和drive away之间的差值,最大头的应该还是GST,这个好像是10%。此外印花税好像是2.5%,把这两项加起来,就很接近drive away的价格了。

明天上班,去好好计算Novated lease到底合适不合适。我和买车的销售讨论他们那个1.9%的低利率的时候,他们说新年后就没了。然后他们负责二手车的兄弟就告诉我,其实羊毛在羊身上,你用低利率贷款,价格就讲不动了。你买车给我几千块,我也能给你零利率。按照这个利率占的便宜推算,我觉得他们如果销售任务没完成,着急卖车,能砍个三四千刀的(对三万出头的车而言)。

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