萝卜青菜都要啊?胃口可真大作者: xblues 时间: 31-8-2012 23:55
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言标题: 回复 #17 胭脂鱼 的帖子 可惜我不是,我是那10%里的。作者: Greenhouse 时间: 1-9-2012 19:44
大多数人喜欢跟异性的人生活在一起,少数人喜欢些同性的人生活在一起。 That's all.
只要是正面的,积极的回答,孩子也会正面的,积极的看待一切吧。作者: xblues 时间: 7-9-2012 17:31
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言标题: 来自一个澳洲母亲给7岁儿子的答案 Something silly for a giggle. Yesterday on the way home, the kids wanted an icecream. I said yes since it was nice and hot. 7YO chose a Golden Gaytime, he says “Look it’s a Golden Jaytime”. I said “Gaytime”. He says “what does that mean?” I said “Well, it used to mean happy, and now the meaning has changed to mean when a man wants to marry a man, or a lady wants to marry a lady”. He said “OK”. And 6YO (boy) says “I am gay. I am going to marry a boy, because girls are yuck!” And through the giggles, I said “Darling, you can marry whoever you want to”
(and yes, I know he can’t technically marry yet, but it’s the easiest way to describe it. Plus I’m assuming that it’ll all be sorted out by the time he’s old enough.)