说实话,我希望我的孩子是同性恋,如果我要孩子的话,当然不管还是是同性恋还是异性恋,我都一样养,一样爱。作者: black_zerg 时间: 26-8-2012 17:30
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i think 1 of 10 is too many. maybe 1 /100. do we have any scientifical proof for that rate? and i dont think every gay is born as gay. it's complicated.
i do believe everyone has the right to live the life he wants though.作者: xblues 时间: 26-8-2012 18:03
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言标题: 回复 #2 black_zerg 的帖子 你上面的这些问题,要是稍微Google一下,就能找到答案,而很显然你觉得在这个问题上,你自己固有的想法比Google更,以及别人说什么(比如我分享我自己的经历)更有信服力。所以,我干嘛和你争论或者试图说服你呢?你怎么想当然就怎么想好了。