对啊,我觉得禁止同志们结婚的那些理由就是歪理,顺着歪理往下推,生出来的也都是歪理,所以从根本上禁止同志结婚就是没有道理的!作者: melternity 时间: 23-6-2012 12:27
It's not about the fairness it's about the acceptance of the majority of the people. If there are more and more people can accept it and are willing to speak up for gay, then you can win this battle.
The world has never been fair, it took 100 years to free the blacks and the Chinese are still yet to be free after 5000 years. How long will it take to win the gay marriage?
By the way, I am Catholic and I support gay marriage.作者: xblues 时间: 23-6-2012 12:43
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言标题: 回复 #8 melternity 的帖子 近两年,所有主流媒体网站公众投票显示,同性婚姻的支持率超过是60%,这是人民的声音。