本人刚开始准备VET认证,关于学历认证没有搞懂。本科是公共管理专业,硕士土地资源管理专业,本硕都是北京某985高校,毕业后在房地产公司工作,想作为副申做land economist认证。有如下几个问题:1. 在做VET 的QV时,是只做硕士专业的认证,还是本科的也需要一并做?
2. 本科和硕士都做认证,是否交两份钱?
3. 因为看到VET关于多学历认证的解释,在递交移民局申请的时候,是否还需要再对本科专业做认证?是否有必要在VET的时候直接对本科和硕士直接都做认证?
- If I have more than one Chinese qualification, do I need to apply for verification for all of them?
For applicants who require the Chinese Qualifications Verification for VETASSESS skills assessment purposes, you only need to apply for verification of the qualification that meets the minimum requirement of the nominated occupation. If the qualification has gained credits from the previous study, the earlier qualification needs to be verified together with the later qualification.
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) often requires all Chinese qualifications to be verified. You may use the verification results again when you lodge your application for skilled migration with DIBP. When you submit the verification results to DIBP, you are suggested to send both the Credential Reports and VETASSESS Confirmation letters together with other DIBP required documents.
For applicants referred by other assessing authorities/professional bodies, please contact your assessing authority/professional body for the latest information regarding verification before applying to VETASSESS.