初来乍到请多海涵,本人457签证,明年过期,雇主不给延期,准备把我调南亚某国。本人5月份提交了PR申请,估计猴年马月才能下来,为了能留下来等PR,最近投了大量的简历(没找中介)。拒信居多(各种原因,签证问题最多)。其中上周参加了一家在500强里的公司面试,昨天她们的HR通知我,我是被selected candidate下周体检,我问是不是体检过了就可以给我Offer了,HR说还有别的candidates也要体检,我问那如何继续选人呢,HR说还要做reference check。我问还有多少个candidates,HR说不能告诉我 but very few. and your are the preferred candidate.certainly positive.然后我问HR我的visa不会妨碍被选中么?HR说应该不会,只是多了一道手续需要approval.
Applying for a new visa or changing employer
If you have an employee who wants to apply for a new visa (where their current visa is about to expire), the employee must lodge a new visa application.
If you want to change employer or position (within the validity of their current visa), you are not required to apply for a new subclass 457 visa.