
楼主 |
发表于 26-3-2011 03:06:24
原帖由 ayuanx 于 26-3-2011 03:00 发表
I'm curious where you get this information from.
Thank you for your patience. Our operators are still busy answering calls. Please speak to an operator before coming in to our office, so that you know what documentation to bring with you. You may find that you do not need to visit an office in person, or that you need to make an appointment. For general information including forms and booklets, please visit our website at www.immi.gov.au
Man: The department of immigration and citizenship is building Australia's future through the well-managed entry and settlement of people. On a typical working day, the department receives more than 13,000 visa applicaitons, grants about 11,500 temporary and 500 permant migration visas and grants citizenship to nearly 300 people. For more information about how the department can help you, go to www.immi.gov.au
Woman: The department of immigration and citizenship is building Australia's future through the well-managed entry and settlement of people. On a typical working day, the department receives more than 13,000 visa applicaitons, grants about 11,500 temporary, 500 permant migration visas and grants citizenship to nearly 300 people. For more information about how the department can help you, go to www.immi.gov.au for more information
Man & Woman: You can now apply for many visas online. E-visas are available for citizens of eligible countries applying for visas under the general skill migration program, the temporary skills 457 visa program, resident return, student, and working holiday and tourist visas. Go to www.immi.gov.au for more information.
Woman: The department of immigration and citizenship's translating and interpreting service provides telephone interpreting assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Interpreting services can be arranged in more than 160 languages and dialects. When you need an interpretor, call 131-450.
Man: The department of immigration and citizenship's translating and interpreting service provides telephone interpreting assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you need an interpretor, call 131-450.
Man & Woman: Australian citizenship is a committment to the Australian way of life, and symbolizes our unity as a nation. The responsibilites and privileges of Australian citizenship are shared by us all, whether we are Australian by birth or by choice. To find out more about how to become an Austranlian citizen, go to www.citizenship.gov.au or call the information line on 131-880
Man & Woman: Becoming an Australian citizen is an opportunity to fully embrace the Australian way of life. To secure your family's future, expects full popular permanent confidence support and receives , to boarden your education option and employment opportunities, and to vote and have a voice in your country's future. For more details go to www.immi.gov.au or call the information line on 131-880 |