原帖由 lim 于 26-11-2010 01:06 发表
What's in it?
According to its labels, washing-up liquid is made of surfactants (i.e. detergents). However, they can also contain hormone-disrupting phthalates, phosphates, synthetic colourings and musks. Due to labelling standards and a poor response from manufacturers about their products, it is very difficult to ascertain which brands are using which chemicals. Bio-D(14) and Ecover(22) were the only companies to respond to our requests for information about chemicals. Information about ingredients in the other best buys was found on company websites. The European Union (EU) is giving the impression of being concerned that some everyday chemicals may contain toxins that build up in the body and environment. However, the October 2003 draft EU chemicals legislation is about testing chemicals' toxic effects, not clear labelling or phasing out toxins.(5) The Women's Environmental Network advises consumers concerned about the impacts of washing-up liquid to use less and wear rubber gloves.
我觉得处于健康保险起见,还是用水洗干净比较好一点.病从口入是老话. |