EOI出来之后,我做了个自评,年龄得分30分,学历得分15分,工作经验现在需要拿15分,也就是8年以上的SKILL EMPLOYMENT (含Closely related occupations)。
1.上月开始计划职业评估,第一份工作(3年11个月)内容与ACS的 263111计算机网络及系统工程师/Computer Network and Systems Engineer 描述基本一致。但现在不知道后面5年的销售工作经验能否算成Closely related occupations,有的网友说不能算,有的说销售的东西也是ICT产品,可以算。我查了移民局的描述,有两种算,一种是职业代码的前4位一样,可以算;还有一种“can be considered to be closely related where it follows a well-established path for career advancement”,我这从技术工程师转销售(还是ICT产品)转营销管理,算是他们认可的well-established path for career advancement吗?不知道怎么办了。希望大侠指导!!!
2.如果不能算,有没有什么办法能评估出来8年以上的SKILL工作经验?有的网友建议把我9年的工作经验全往 261111 ICT Business Analyst职位上靠。不知是否有可操作性?
3.刚逛论坛看到有牛人做过261313 Software Engineer和 261111 ICT Business Analyst,刚开始前面4年的经验被否了。然后做了个流程图说明他的职业发展过程。我也想试试这种方法,问题是,如果失败了,再重新申请,把9年的经验全往261111 上靠,ACS会不会认为你做假,or重新当一个新的CASE处理?
a registered migration agent
a justice of the peace or a bail justice
an Australian lawyer
a member of the police force
a sheriff or a deputy sheriff
a councillor of a municipality
a senior officer of a council
a medical practitioner
a dentist
a veterinary practitioner
a pharmacist
a principal in the teaching service
a manager of an authorised deposit-taking institution
a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia or the Australian Society of Accountants or the National Institute of Accountants
a secretary of a building society
a minister of religion authorised to celebrate marriages
a public notary
a member or former member of either House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth.