Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately, the detail of individual checks is not made available priorto the check being undertaken, to ensure we don’t undermine the checkingprocess. As mentioned, we don’t give details about specific checks prior to thembeing undertaken, but we can say as a general comment that documents arechecked for various reasons, for instance, the case may have similarcharacteristics to other cases in which fraud has been found, or it may bea random check, or a particular document may have had some aspect to itthat warranted checking. Any document or information that has been suppliedwith the application may be referred for checking and may relate to Englishlanguage, identity, relationship, education, employment. Some checks areundertaken directly from this office, some by posts, some by other agenciesacting on our behalf.
It’s difficult to say exactly how long the check will take as there aremany variables. If it is clear there has been recent action, we can confirmin your case that checks are progressing.If not clear there has been any recent action, we will make a note of yourconcerns on the case file record” As soon as we have the results we will continue processing and inform youimmediately for the next stage.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. |