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[新技术交流] RDF meets NoSQL

发表于 11-3-2010 10:51:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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March 9, 2010
On Thursday, I have 20 minutes to address 200 people (plus a video audience) at [url=]NoSQL Live … from Boston[/url]. My self-appointed mission is to start building bridges between theNoSQL community and the Linked Data/RDF/W3C community. These are two sets of people working on different problems, but it’s pretty clear to me they are heading in the same direction, in similar spirit, and could gain a lot from working together.
I’m organizing my talk around the question of standardization for NoSQL, and I’ll talk about W3C process and such, but the interesting part is where NoSQL touches RDF. So here are some of my thoughts on that, written for an audience already familiar with RDF. I’d love to get some feedback on the basic ideas now, to make my talk better.
  • While they both want to move beyond SQL, their reasons are different. I understand the key for NoSQL is:
    • SQL doesn’t scale big enough. Once your read-write dataset gets too big for a single machine, you have to develop and maintain a messy sharding system. (But see below.) Sometimes it’s an economy/efficiency thing; if you don’t need ACID, a NoSQL solution might give you better performance on cheaper hardware.
    Meanwhile, I see two big motivation for the RDF folks:
    • Decentralization. On the open Web, data comes from many different sources, mostly beyond your control. Everyone might be providing data to everyone, and no one has the authority to run a central database, ever if they had the technology and the iron.
    • Inference. Some people find formal semantics and well defined inference to be very useful. (How is this different from triggers and views? Good questions.)
  • There’s a freedom, a joy, and in some case enormous practicality to not having to pre-create your database schema. Nearly all NoSQL and RDF systems are schemaless or allow a fully dynamic schema. (But I understand most bigtable systems have fixed column families. That could be a problem in using a bigtable as an RDF store.)
  • Both tend follow Web Architecture, using HTTP and often using REST.
  • Reading about CouchDB and MongoDB (JSON document databases), as well as Neo4j (a graph database), I noticed an undercurrent about SQL being awkward to program against. I guess this is theO/R Impedance Mismatch, especially thestructural differences. RDF’s design is very close to the relational model, so it doesn’t help on this front. Within the RDF community, however, there are some systems which attempt to partly bridge this gap, including node-centric APIs (which I happen to prefer, myself). I would also argue that duck typing closes the gap from the programming-language side.
  • I don’t see NoSQL going anywhere near linked data or having a vocabulary ecosystem. I expect it will want to, someday. Decentralization is a key difference in requirements.
  • I only see RDF dealing with inference. Why is this? My first thought is that the RDF community has a lot of AI roots, and the NoSQL community doesn’t. But maybe it’s about economics and motivations: formalizing the notion of inference makes it possible, in theory, to easily deploy very sophisticated data transformation (and making them complete before the sun goes out). At NoSQL scale, folks are much more concerned about techniques for being able to run even simple transformations (and making them complete before the power bill comes due). I note that AllegroGraph manages to be in both communities, with a very practical, high-performance Prolog element; I don’t know how parallel it is. A few RDF folks are working on using map/reduce. Presumably, with the rise of multi-core systems, even single-user inference engines will want to be made parallel.
  • How many of the reasons for NoSQL rejecting SQL also apply to SPARQL? Does the scaling issue apply? Actually, does the scaling issue really apply to SQL? Michael Stonebraker (more or less the Voice of God) claims automatic sharding can and should be done while still using SQL. Some people reply: Perhaps, but in Enterprise-Grade Open Source? Also, maybe “SQL” is a euphemism for ACID, and that’s really what doesn’t scale and/or is too expensive. Perhaps that issue needs to be settled before considering SPARQL? Actually, the state of ACID in SPARQL is an [url=]open issue[/url] right now; maybe NoSQL can inform that decision.
  • RDF is standardized. Some would argue it’s more standardized than SQL; that case will be stronger when SPARQL 1.1 is done. Here’s a diagram Steve Harris made, which I reformatted. “KV” refers to key-value stores, the simplest, most scalable kind of NoSQL database.


So… What does that all boil down to?
Bottom line: RDF could learn a lot from NoSQL about scaling and ease-of-programming; NoSQL could learn a lot from RDF about decentralization and inference.
Some closing questions, ideas….
Can someone make a SPARQL endpoint with Cassandra’s performance and scaling properties? I haven’t studied this idea much, but I’m afraid the static column families will make it impossible to get much performance without building the store for a particular set of SPARQL queries. But it could still be useful, even with that drawback. Or maybe some SPARQL endpoint is already there; has anyone really tried a comparative benchmark?
How does the SPARQL endpoint description and aggregation work compare to database sharding. Are there designs for doing it automatically?


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