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发表于 9-2-2010 17:46:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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这两天有人问我如何申请澳洲验光(optometry)专业, 我想可能许多人对这个专业很陌生, 发帖给大家介绍一下。

[ 本帖最后由 sunyi_yx06 于 9-2-2010 18:19 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 9-2-2010 17:48:00 | 只看该作者

Congrats to those who also got offered optometry

I have just finished working my first year in adelaide, i graduated from UNSW as some of you may know. Its definitely a very good career. Its easy, light and the money is decent. I am working for one of the larger chains (luxottica) and in my first year, im earning about 100k but that is working extra weekends and taking weekdays off instead. The pay does increase slightly but its pretty steady afterwards if you're employed by someone else.

Crickethunter, i too, i have considered doing dentistry this year to be honest. The money is better in dent if you run your own business over the long run. Same goes for optometry but i think there are alot of larger chain stores coming into the market, thus running your own business is becoming more difficult for optometrists. On the same token, now with more chains wanting optometrists, our salaries may also increase, i would suspect (...and hope!)

Although the money is good in dent, eyes appeal to me more. There are some optoms that dont really care about their patients eyes and only do a dodgy assessment (so to speak), but when you take your time and explain to them and diagnose their problem, they really appreciate your help. I have had several ppl who come back and remember my name, get other family members to see me etc....its very rewarding in that aspect. Also, dent is hard working and very straining.

Regarding online specs and contact lens orders, i was suspecting the same thing, would it affect optometry in the long run? After considering the idea for a while, the internet offers many other things that are alot cheaper than buying from the market, whether it be jewellery, TV's etc etc but most ppl would still like the peace of mind that they are seeing what they get and that there is assurance that the item is what they expected. Personally, i would not spend that money online. Also, maybe other optoms can confirm, i wouldnt think that they can claim the cost with their health insurance if purchased not from an authorised retailer?....that i am not 100% sure

EDIT: BTW, if you can get specs for $200 online, might as well just go to Specsavers or Optical superstore lol and get glasses. You can almost get 2 pairs for that price!

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 楼主| 发表于 9-2-2010 17:49:34 | 只看该作者
一般来说,申请成绩必须在top2%之内(op1-2),按照澳洲的gpa必须在6.25以上,最好6。5,(7分制)。然后有一个umat or gamsat的医学院考试, 你要参加达到一定的分数线,才能录取。
澳洲有4个学校有这个专业, 上网google他们,然后到optometry school的网站看他们的要求, 要早准备。墨大把这个学位改成了postgraduate, 毕业后是doctor of optometry。
这个专业个人认为申请的难度排在medicine 和dentistry后, 不过比其他的专业要难, 据说就业还可以, 不过收入比医生差不少, 一般毕业生在60k, 100k差不多就到顶了(自己开业不算)。比较稳定。
如果你是国际学生要当心, 他们每年只接受不多的国际学生, 一共就200个名额, 国际学生能分到了就更少了。

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 楼主| 发表于 9-2-2010 17:54:48 | 只看该作者
再次,university websites.

Q. What are the job prospects?

A. Currently, employment opportunities are excellent, with all optometry graduates securing employment (often before they have completed their degree). While positions in Sydney may be lesser in number, the demand in the country areas and interstate is quite high.

With the age of the Australian population increasing, it is envisaged that demand will remain strong for optometrists in the future.

Q. What is the starting salary?

A. Starting salaries for Optometrists in Sydney are approximately $50,000. According to GradStats 2003, a report released in December 2003 by the Graduate Careers Council of Australia, this has risen $7,000 from 2002 and is the second highest average starting salary for university graduates. Country and interstate positions may offer more money, with recently advertised positions offering salary packages as high as $80,000 per annum for more remote areas.

Vision Science - BSc program (major in Vision Science)

Q. What are the career paths and prospects?

A. Vision Science is a new field with a wide variety of career options. Vision science graduates may find employment in the ophthalmic industries. Optical lens and contact lens manufacturers will require employees with a Vision Science graduates particular mix of skills and abilities when designing and developing new products. Multifocal lens design is a growth area in ophthalmic technology. The pharmaceutical industry is beginning to develop a range of new products for age related eye diseases. Laser and hologram technologies are being widely used in a wide range of products. Innovative products such as the bionic eye and the artificial cornea are being developed at UNSW. Scientists are needed to develop these laboratory solutions to commercial release. Laser refractive surgery is constantly being enhanced and improved. Scientists are needed to design and evaluate the effectiveness of these new surgical technologies. The opportunities in this emerging field are likely to be numerous and engagingly interesting. A career in academic teaching is available, particularly to those with higher degrees in Vision Science.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-2-2010 18:06:23 | 只看该作者
最后,引用2个鬼佬的Pharmacy VS Optometry
Hi guys im tossing between these two options atm and i wanted some information about salaries

Basically below is what I heard
Pharmacy : 35k in your pre-reg year and starting salaries from 60k after being registered
Optometry: 60k in the first year

So ulimately, they have the same salary in the year. What i wanted to know was how the pay rises for both professions. I heard that max for both occupations are around 100k unless you have ur own business (im not interested in owning a business anyway)

could anyone give me a rough estimate of both occupations salary rise ( e.g. after 1 year , 2-3 years, 4-5 years 5+ etc)
Do you think that after a certain time, they would earn pretty much the same?

BTW im not interested in working in rural areas so it would be appreciated if u guys bear this in mind

any reply will be greatly appreciated!!

[ 本帖最后由 sunyi_yx06 于 9-2-2010 18:08 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 9-2-2010 18:09:29 | 只看该作者
Hi there,
I did quite alot of research on both fields previously as I have friends who retrained before I did.

Here's what I know:

Based on job ads, salaried Pharmacists face a much lower salary ceiling than salaried Optometrists of an equal seniority. It's easier at this moment to hit $90K-$100K a couple of years after uni as an optom than a pharmer, unless you're a pharmacist manager/pharmacist in-charge. Given the huge number of pharmacy pathways & graduates compared to Optometry, there're numerous coalface reports of a pharmacist oversupply forcing many to work several locum jobs to attain a satisfactory salary. After all, if supply outstrips demand, salaries will drop precipitously. There're also reports on the severe difficulty in finding pre-registration (internship) placements in metro areas & also certain larger regional areas. As you know, internship's required for full registration, it will be quite stressful to be knocked back time & again, especially if you dislike the idea of going rural/remote.

Quote: Originally Posted by miclargem  
I heard that max for both occupations are around 100k unless you have ur own business (im not interested in owning a business anyway)
I would hesitate to make such claims so early in your career. There may be instances where owning a business could be the most practical decision due to unforeseen demands in your family/wife/career commitments. Having said that, it's way easier to open your own Optometry business than a Pharmacy. If you look at some of the optom trade magazines, you will see many Optom chains (eg. Specsavers, OPSM et al) clamouring for franchisees & the deals they give out seem fabulous & what's more, they appear new graduate-friendly. In fact, many will help pay for the setup costs & fittings + stock or get finance for you, all of which're substantially less exhorbitant than a pharmacy's. An optom friend of mine said that they'll "hold your hands" & guide you along as your business grows. The lucky bloke's only 2 years out of Optom school & a business owner now.

Lastly, if you want to be in a profession that's focussed on patient contact/care, Optom is the way to go because, in reality, many big chain pharmacies prefer their pharmacists to be script churners than engage in customer counselling. As an optom, you'll utilise your training in patient care as patients come to you for eye-tests which're rebated by Medicare. Pharmacists frequently complain about how their knowledge is underutilised as glorified pill counters & checkout persons & that's true to a significant extent because pharmacists're not paid to advise customers on OTC meds nor are they paid to "diagnose" simple conditions warranting those OTC meds they hope to sell.

Sorry for the long-winded response, but I feel it's important to embark upon a rigorous training program with a clear understanding of what you'll be training for ultimately.

[ 本帖最后由 sunyi_yx06 于 9-2-2010 18:10 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 9-2-2010 18:12:21 | 只看该作者
介绍完了, 如果有人感兴趣的, 加分分啊

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