阅读中有一道题目的难度偏大,原文已在3G回忆中刊登,请参考。非常可喜的是,本次A类考试的写作题目“The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other. In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make? Does it have positive or negative effect on the development?”
题目的简单程度达到了今年的峰值,几乎怎么写都可以,电话、网络、交通都给人们带来了通讯交流中的巨大变革,但要注意题目要求:In which way & positive or negative effect。
本次G类写作的题目是“fast food is becoming one part of life in everywhere,this has bad effects on our lifestyles and diet. do you agree or not.”正是预测中的“健康问题”,该题目也是《雅思写作实用技法》中我为雅思考生详细解析并附上范文的一道原题。相信很多考生朋友应该是准备充分的。