The government will consider the outcomes of the review in October, with an
announcement to follow shortly thereafter.
Well, October is the time to consider and announcement is not implement. The effetive date might still be end of 2009 as stated in paper-1.
Here is my analysis:
1. We realize that DIAC is now processing 175 CSL Feb submission, and is making progress slowly because there are too many 176 cases. However, after July 1, I would imagine that 176 application would be dramatically reduced because of English requirement increased to 6 in all states.
2. In the meantime, Accountants, who account for huge part of quota, their English requirement has been increased to formidable 7 since March 16. I would say that it is almost the "Mission Impossible" for 90% of Accountant applicants from China. This will give good oppotunity for other 175 applicants to use spare quota in September & Octomber timeframe before new MODL takes effect.
3. Therefore, personally, hopfully but not certainly, I guess that DIAC might be able to finish most of 175 CSL cases being submitted prior to June of 2009 before new MODL takes effect, including my application which was submitted in April.
4. Lastly, GOD bless you and me. Who knows what will happen in the next few months. Sun shines, Clouds rain. Train Whistles blow and Guitars Play. Preachers Preach, Framers Plow. Wishes go up and the World goes round. It just comes Natural. Who care?
[ 本帖最后由 haohaohao 于 15-8-2009 15:27 编辑 ] |