来源于: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5 ... el=rela_nextarticle
2008年,到澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰和美国申请签证的,只能通过ACPO Criminal Records Office(ACPO: Association of Chief Police Officers)来办理无犯罪公证。申请费用也提高到了35英镑(从接收到申请到发出证明10个工作日),加急的70英镑(两个工作日处理完毕)。请在ACPO网站上下载表格,并根据其要求提供相关的证明文件。
The UK police do not issue "certificates of good conduct" or "police clearance certificates", however in our experience foreign embassies will generally accept a police reply under the subject access provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 as a suitable equivalent.
Individuals requiring Police Certificates for the purposes of applications for emigration, visas, work permits or residency in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America should download the application form for an ACPO Police Certificate from the ACPO website.
Please note that this Certificate is processed entirely by the ACPO Criminal Records Office (ACRO). All submissions and enquiries relating to this process should be directed to ACRO, who can be contacted through the following routes:
Telephone: 0845 6013999 (during their office opening hours of 8:30 – 16:30, Monday to Friday
E-mail: acro.policecertificates@acro.pnn.police.uk
Address: ACRO, PO Box 481, Fareham, PO14 9FS
Please do not return this application form to the Metropolitan Police Service
If you DO NOT LIVE or HAVE NEVER LIVED in the London Metropolitan area, please apply to the Police Service that covers the relevant region or area.
但是美国大使馆已经表示自2008年8月31日起,对于移民和其他签证申请,他们只接受ACRO的无犯罪证明。 Please note that the US embassy have indicated that from 31st March 2008 they will only accept the ACRO police certificate for immigration and visa purposes. |