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我们的咖啡老师Emily是意大利人,她告诉我们在澳洲消费量最多的咖啡依次是Cappuccino, latte, flate white 和Mocha,而在意大利的咖啡桌上,大多数时候都只有一种---Espresso! 意大利人搞不懂为什么咖啡里要加糖加奶,而Espresso才是最纯正,最原味的咖啡,虽然它通常只有30ML那么一点点,却是制作所有其他花式咖啡的基础,感谢EMILY老师,带我们进行了一次别开生面的咖啡之旅。
(一)The background knowlege
1. Coffee is originally from North Africa, then transmitted to Turkey and other middle east countries, then to Europe (France, Italy), the first Espresso machine is invented by Italians.
2. there're two types of coffee in the world: Arabica(counts for 75%) and Robusta(counts for 25%), the
beans we use today are Arabica, Robusta is mostly used for instant coffee.
3. coffee is the second most consumption in the world, the first one is oil, people talk about the fluctuation of price for oil everyday, but why nobody cares about the price of coffee beans? that's pretty strange~~hah
(二) Getting to know the espresso machine
1. steam wand (let the steam out to texturize the milk)
2. group head
3. single group handle (for single espresso)
4. double group handle (for double espresso)
(三) Types of coffee
1. espresso: (crema +) espresso (could be single or double)
1. espresso also known as "short black" in Au.
2. "crema " is where most of the oils, caffeine and flavour will be, it has a very unique aroma attached, espress would be coarse without "crema"
2. Macchiato: dollop of foam + espresso
3. Americano : espresso(double shots) + water(90--150ml)
FYI: Americano also known as " long black" in Au.
4.Flat white: foam (5mm)+ textured milk+ espresso
5. Latte: foam(10mm) +textured milk +espresso
6. Cappuccino: Chocolate powder + foam (13mm)+textured milk +espresso
7. Mocha : Chocolate powder + foam (10mm)+textured milk +espresso + one spoon of chocolate powder/ syrup
8. hot chocolate: Chocolate powder + foam (10mm)+textured milk+ two spoons of chocolate powder/syrup
9. Iced coffee: Chocolate powder+ whipped cream +cold milk(1/3)+coffee+ ice cream
(四) Technics of making coffee
1. bang it (get the used coffee powder off the handle)---> Rinse it (let the hot wather wash through the handle)--->Wipe it (wipe off the water)---> pack it (also known as "tamping")
2. get one dose on the coffee bean grinder for a single espresso, two doses for double espresso. tamp it
very tight, use the strength of your shoulder rather than your wrist.
3. listen to the sound when texturizing the milk, down to the bottom (but don't touch the bottom)--up a little(hold for 5 seconds, listen to the sound of bubbles, it's a bit loud)---> down again (not much sound)---> turn down the steam lever when the milk jug is getting too hot to hold.the temperature of the milk is around 70 degree (don't get the milk burnt!!)
4. the pouring of milk makes each coffee different:
flat white : pouring from high up, fast, the milk would be getting into it, and the foam is thin.
latte: pouring from a lower point, more slowly, foam is a bit thicker than flat white. (may juggle a little at the end to do a latte art)
Cappuccino : pouring really slowly, the foam is thicker than any other coffee.
5. turn the steam lever on for 2 seconds before using the steam wand, let out the dirts in this way.clean up the steam wand with the coffee mop immediately after texturizing the milk, it's a good habbit.
6. use the "manual button" whenever needed, it's the most distinguished button on the machine, you can also use the "single espresso" or "double espresso" (to creat a stronger flavour, use this button when making Americano), they are both automatically controlled.
7. rock the milk jug a little after the milk is done to burst the big bubbles, then swir the milk jug,
in this way, the perfect, smooth textured milk is formed.
8. the cleaning work at the end of the day is important, clean the espresso machine from inside to outside.wipe off the milk stain on the machine, make it nice and clean.
[ 本帖最后由 宝贝不哭_219 于 9-1-2009 21:21 编辑 ] |