圣诞前通过网页查询向移民局提了几个问题,一个是"how time order works in the new priority categories?”,今天移民局给的回复如下:
The new priority processing Direction gives priority to applications in
the following order:
1. employer sponsorship
2. State or Territory Sponsorship
3. an occupation on the CSL
4. Business Skills
5. an occupation on the MODL
6. All other applications
Priority processing will be given irrespective of lodgement dates.
我还问我的case什么时候能完成,回复是"I am unable to provide you with a definitive timeframe for finalisation of your application as some cases may take many months to finalise. "
我问"My occupation was on the MODL and CSL when I lodged the application, if the MODL or CSL is changed before my application is assessed, can I still get the priority? ",回信中没有答复。