
楼主 |
发表于 16-12-2008 13:07:55
4. 关于selection criteria
有人告诉我私人公司主要通过resume和interview选人,政府部门主要通过statement of claims选人,这句话一点不假,可见selection criteria的重要了吧?
一般政府工作的selection criteria由6-10条组成,根据职位高低,要求各不相同。被通知面试的人是那些能完全满足selection criteria所有条款的人。比如有一条要求你有2-3年工作经验,但是你只有1年,理论上是不会被通知面试的。所以,要根据selection criteria确定自己是否完全符合这个职位的要求。如果符合,就可以着手写statement了。
Statement的格式一般是引用selection criteria的原文,然后写出自己如何满足这条要求。据说过去一些年每条回应只需要写1段。但是现在申请人水平越来越高,一般的回应每条要写大概1页纸。不仅要写出自己符合此要求,还要写出自己如何符合,并举例说明。只有真正说服了评估者,才能赢得面试。我在这里只举自己写的一个例子。因为大家非常关心语言问题,我就把自己写的关于communication skills的回应贴上来吧:
Effective written and oral communication and liaison skills
My previous employment has equipped me with a number of valuable communication skills. I am able to communicate with individuals from a range of backgrounds, including the socially disadvantaged, different religious groups, a variety of age ranges and all members of the general public.
In 2005, I was the architectural team leader for the ‘Cook Island National Police Office Building’ project. At the early stage, my main duty was to communicate with the client, and fully understand their needs and requirements. I needed to accurately pass this information to my team members and other engineers in an acceptable way. When doing concept design and construction drawings in the next stage, I needed to communicate with all the engineers involved to manage inter-disciplinary conflicts, and contact material suppliers to choose more suitable materials by e-mail, telephone or meetings. At the construction stage, helping the site engineers fix the technical problems in construction was also my task. In this project, my effective communications skills helped the project get on faster and better. Now the office building has been successfully built and occupied in Cook Island.
Even though I do not come from an English speaking background, I have excellent English language skills. Regular discussions via email, telephone or in face-to-face group meetings are an important part of study at UNSW and my employment with Housing NSW. I was always actively involved in the information exchange and discussions for group assignments. Frequent communication with lecturers enabled me to establish and maintain a high level of learning efficiency and effectiveness. My good presentation and report writing skills helped me get high marks for most of my assignments at UNSW. I would like to attach three comments from my lecturers on a presentation I delivered, a conference paper and a report.
10 mins presentation for the ‘Managing Mosaics and Planning’ conference
Very gracious introduction with clear framework of the presentation
Clearly structured presentation some very interesting points made.
Large range of data sources and examples used to support the points made.
Good use of Ashfield case study.
Clear conclusion and recommendations which were nicely summarised in the final slide.
Clever PowerPoint presentation, with some nice images
Interesting and important topic which is often overlooked by planners
Clear and pleasant voice, which is easy to be heard
Great use of hypothetical greeting to demonstrate language barrier
Perfectly time
Good eye contact
Fantastic dressing High Distinction By Rachel Trigg
Conference paper: Chinese New Immigrants and Their Community Involvement
A solid and well written paper, with good use of your surveys and some insightful analysis of two directly relevant social plans. You also offered some clear and implementable recommendations for the future. Well done. 25/30 By Rachel Trigg
Spatial policy assignment 1: Comparison of Post-war Sydney Metropolitan Plans
A very good essay – a concise description of the two metro plans chosen is then followed by a tightly structured comparison and contrast. You then provide evaluation criteria and state an opinion on the preferred strategy. Well done! 33.5/40 By Peter Williams
I was elected as student representative on the Faculty Board at UNSW in 2007 and 2008, attending regular meetings, contributing my views on the Built and Environment Faculty issues, and participating in making decisions.
At my current work, communication and consultation are a key process for policy development and plans review. I have recently completed the Bankstown LGA study using my own research in consultation with other planners. I like to participate in regular meetings and consultation processes of other projects to contribute thoughts and understanding. I liaise with officers in other branches of Housing NSW via email and phone to get advice on the issues I work on.
另外selection criteria有essential 和desirable两种,前者是必须满足的,后者是最好有的,能拽尽量多拽。对于技术性的问题,要做研究,不能随意的写,比如我申请的职位需要了解堪培拉的规划法,递交申请前我对那里的法规系统做了research,最后写出来的东西才能比较靠谱,所以,写statement前,一定要多做research。一个工作一般需要写上1-2周,写好后找朋友帮着看看,尤其是本土的朋友,会很有帮助的
[ 本帖最后由 distantmusic 于 16-12-2008 22:46 编辑 ] |