We have received your application for general skilled migration sub
class 136, however we have difficulties processing it because you have
not supplied us with a valid skills assessment.
To be fair and reasonable this is a courtesy e-mail to allow you the
opportunity to either e-mail a scanned copy of your skills assessment
to my e-mail address, stephen.abell@immi.gov.au, or fax a copy to 08
8237 6515.
Please take the appropriate steps to supply your skills assessment by 29
January 2008 as I do not wish to return your application as skilled
我在昨天,也就是1月21日email到指定的stephen.abell@immi.gov.au之后,今天就收到Muna.Abdullahi@immi.gov.au寄来的Acknowledgment letter,里面还有一个pdf的附件,是不是代表我补交的职业评估结果他们已经处理了,然后才给我发的确认信?
We have received your application for general skilled migration sub
class 136, however we have difficu ...
“很快就收到题为GT20080114_0000000698 GSM post-lodgement enquiry的email,内容如下:Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia's
General Skilled Migration programme. Notes on file show that an officer has contacted you since lodging this enquiry.”
请问这个很快就收到的邮件是noreply@immi.gov.au 发过来的么?
Have you received my application?
Have you received my documents?
What is the status of my application?
Please supply my TRN, file number or client ID