in my experience, 1st yellow envelopue comes to you, you will receive 2nd yellow envelopue few weeks later if you ignore the 1st one. if you ignore the 2nd one again, few weeks later you will receive the 3d one. so far , the penalty amount in the ticket are the same. from now on, if you still do nothing, they will transfer your penalty ticket to a law enforce company (类似讨债公司,) the amount = penalty amount +law enforce charge, eg: $50 or $110 $150 $220...... keep going up until you repay it. they don't accept your excuse like I don't know or I change the address...but this is my 4 years experience before. I am not guarantte it has no change.any way, before the time is up of the 1st letter, , you can write a letter to display your excuse or nonsense,a week later you will get the answer letter to tell you that they don't accept your view and you have to repay sth sth. but you won more time.  |