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个人认为,interview是能否拿到offer 的非常重要一环,如果雇主打算给你这个机会,就说明他已经初步认可了你的经历和背景,通过interview来最终确认你是否是他们要找的人。根据我的经验,如果interview发挥的好的话,offer基本上是八九不离十。以本人为例,到目前为止进入interview阶段的共有8次,其中成功拿到offer的有6次,75%的成功率,说明interview已经离成功不远了。那么具体的应该怎么准备interview呢,我的感受是<br>
1.熟读job description里的描述,要做到对这个职位的要求了然于胸,这样才能在interview的时候重点强调自己能够匹配这个职位的理由,做到有的放矢。<br>
3.善用你的中介。可以向中介打听公司的一些背景,很多东西在job description上是没有的,比如interview你的人是谁,负责哪个方面的,有哪些特点,雇主看中了你哪方面的经验,interview有可能涉及那些方面,要注意哪些事项等等。在找工作这个方面,中介跟你的利益是一致的,他会尽量给你提供必要的帮助。<br>
5.准备雇主可能的问题。主要是两大类,一类是技术方面的,这个自然不用说了,这是你吃饭的本领,公司不是慈善机构,雇人是为了能给他们创造价值。另一类是scenario questions(也叫behavioral questions),比如说你在碰到困难的时候会怎么办,碰到不好相处的同事或上司时会怎么办,详细内容可以参考astina的帖子,或者看看mycareer上的专栏,我就不班门弄斧了。现在绝大多数的公司都会考虑你能否很好的融入公司的文化,有时候甚至跟你的技术水平同等重要,所以一定要展示出你是一个有合作精神,容易相处的人。<br>
6.谈话的技巧。如果英语不是很好,可以把语速放慢一些,让别人能听懂你在说什么。如果听力不是太好,那就注意听keyword,不要老是sorry, pardon的让别人重复一遍,对方会很快的失去耐心,并严重怀疑你的英语水平能否胜任工作。一定要非常自信,明确的表达出你就是他们最理想的人选。<br>
7.其他。如要守时,关掉手机,穿着打扮要正式,但是一定要舒适,注意礼貌,保持eye contact,不要随意打断对方的问题等等,都是些基本的常识。<br>
If you could have a quick look at www.***.com. on the internet to prepare. When talking make eye contact with the interviewer. In addition, make sure you have some questions to ask them, as that always shows interest. Show enthusiasm: let the interviewer know that you want the job. Be ready to convincingly express your skills and key strengths and what you can offer the organisation. Don't criticise past or present employers. Ever. Be clear, concise and to the point i.e. don't waffle, answer the question asked, and expand if need be. It is very important that you resist the urge to interrupt the interviewers because you know what they want to know. Be a good listener as well as a good communicator. <br>
Remind yourself of the work that you have been doing, as they are likely to ask questions on and around that. Whatever you do, do not talk about money in the interview, it is better to sell yourself, not let money get in the way and let me massage the process along on the money side of things. If asked, say that you would rather they spoke to me about it; rest assured, I will be getting as much as I can for you. <br>
Before leaving, ask whether the interviewer has any questions about your ability to do the job. Address any concerns right then and there! This is a fantastic opportunity to counter doubts and strengthen your case.<br>