The Aboriginal people managed the land and its animal life, principally by a sophisticated use of fire and their largely nomadic lifestyle, with such skill that by the time the first British convicts and their jailers arrived eighteen years after Cook, their continent could properly be described as ‘the biggest estate on earth’.1 The living was easy, food plentiful, leisure abundant – at least among the males – and tribal boundaries sufficiently well-defined to keep armed conflict to a minimum. There was a proliferation of language groups but a shared culture that derived from a legendary ‘Dreamtime’ with creation myths no less sophisticated than those of either the Europeans or the Chinese.
Unfortunately, their isolation had denied them the advantages of multiple contact with human and domestic animal diseases that would have provided a broad autoimmunity.
隔绝的结果是原住民对invaders完全没有任何抵抗力,对their diseases亦是。Captain Cook只要兴趣大旗简单说几句话就是"claimed " 不止到此一游,而是此地属于我大英了。土著人既没有军队更甭提什么政治系统去跟这些newcomers去谈判。事实上1835年英政府发表terra nullius公告,坚称土著人没有声明这土地归属。
By the time of the goldrush the Aborigines were a broken people; and though there were pockets of fierce resistance to British intrusions in Victoria and later Queensland, the longest continuous culture on earth had been effectively shattered. They would play only a marginal part in the Australia–China relationship for the next 125 years.
新金山旧金山的淘金热让运输业也是得到了极大的发展。因此当维州发现金矿的时候,The Chinese rush to Victoria was on, though their numbers would always be far less than those from Britain, continental Europe, and even the United States. Only some 500 made the journey in 1852 and a similar number the following year.
While the gold was undoubtedly a great attraction, the Chinese were also motivated by the collapse of their provinces into civil war as Hong Xiuquan’s Taiping rebellion swept the imperial forces before it. And by 1854 Chinese merchants had entered the shipping trade and were resuscitating old, poorly maintained vessels for the run south. Accommodation was spartan at best, with six to eight travellers crowded into each berth. Several ships were lost at sea while others were forced to put in at Manila and Singapore, but in the first six months they carried some 3000 eager prospectors and the following year the number rose to 11,500.
无法述说的痛!! |