本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 23-12-2018 12:33 编辑
断舍离,从Amy 和Cherry 两人书单中都看到这本,我没看,但在实践着,是不是清理物理的和精神双层空间啊? 少负重,精简前行至一生??
读,一般都是专业人士论著,分著作和文章两类; 基本都是电脑上进行,使用xodo, 可画线上色,还能声读。纸质书少而又少。
听,留给了radio(不是指中文意义上的广播),受益非浅大爱。因为它的g广泛而实际又紧跟现实的话题,让我对所读加深了了解。比如关于字和词语的节目,社会现象领域内人士的分析等,最近的是讨论公司里圣诞秘密礼物的购买。受Cherry 启发,也试了一些听书软件,可能老习惯难改吧,听不多 最近的是,1910年出版的How to Speak and Write Correctly, 一个章节中几句话是有启发,其余基本都早已知道。
年底最惊喜的是The Story of Europe, 因为里面的一句甚至半句话背后,自己所知的很多同时浮现使得求知过程享受无穷。接下来抓紧li了解 The Story of China
下半年对political science 着手了解一点儿,从宗教产生后kings 都被认为是神指派,从意大利Machiavelli的 The Prince, 到英国 Charles I 被公众面前处死,法国革命时法王的历史以及他自己的命运,俄国王全家被毙,现在英国皇室的作为深层原因就了解些了。
看多少书了? 我回答不上来,因为笔记散乱在几个地方,留在网上的算是保存住了,电脑里有没back up 丢了。
Islam by Fazlur Rhaman;
Muhammad and the Believers (Fred M.Donner);
Who Speaks for Islam;
Islam: a short story;
Blood Rites: origins and history of the passions of war;
Epic grief: personal laments in Homer's Iliad;
Reinterpreting the Homeric Simile of Iliad;
A Practical Intro to in-depth Interviewing;
Key concepts in social research;
Sociology on the menu: an invitation to the study of food and society;
Bisexuality: a critical reader;
This Blessed Wilderness;
Youth, Education and Risk;
Goth: identity, style, and subculture
Essaying the past: how to read, write, and think about history;
Aging: mental aspects, social welfare and health;
The History of Australia;
Settler society in the Australian colonies: self-government and imperial culture;
To feed a nation: a history of Australian food science and technology;
Pierre Bourdieu: key concepts;
Challenge to the Nation-State: immigration in western Europe;
The Nordic Model of Social Democracy |