Yes definitely you should. Personaly i wasn't expecting to recive an inv from NSW due to having only 55 points. But you know what ? I was invited within three weeks from the date i had submitted my EOI. Hence, you never know when something unexpected happens and changes your life or mind.
Just for your info
My points break down
Age 25 points (ll turn 25 in july)
Qualifications 10 points (adv dip)
AQF 5 points (2 years aus study)
Ielts 10 points (8.5,8.5,7,8)
Community language 5 points
Total 55 points
Best of luck :+1:
最热门的ICT 261313邀请分已降到55分+4个7了,55+4个6指日可待。
Just spoke to NSW state department....they said that they have nominated 1605 nominations already and in this intake they have nominated 83 in march and 16 in feb so there are many spots remaining and they are working hard towards their target for achiving at least 3900 nominations beforre june so still many more invitations will be garanted to fill in nominations as every invitation is not converting into nomination so they keep sending till june and from 1 july its new financial year so they are working hard to finish before june and they gonna continue the same process for next financial year as well..so keep an eye 55 pointers as 55 pointers have very good chance to get invitations and dont loose hope because they are sending invitations to 60 pointers because they have not reache half way mark as well....got this reply from 2 different people and already talked twice..... //