Based on feedback received as part of the evaluation, the following changes will be in place from 1 March 2014:
State and territory nominated visas will no longer be subject to occupational ceiling limitations
The minimum ceiling for each occupational group will be 1000 invitations
哦 这样哦,那么维州是给2334博士担保的。 图是移民局发的包括189 190在内的所有邀请个数呢。包括博士2月10号到2月24号三个邀请。亲,帮我看看应该是指189和190吧。而且名字也是专业大分类2334而不是233411这种小分类 The table below shows the occupation ceilings for the 2013-2014 programme year for each occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) by four-digit ANZSCO code unit group, and the number of invitations issued for each occupation in the current programme year to date:
Occupations ceilings for the 2013-14 programme year