“Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1, while the ratio of stright to gay among the general population is approximately 20:1.”
what does this tell people? Gay pedaphile proportion is 10 times of stright pedaphile! Geez!
“Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. ...
So what? Straight attribute has nothing to do with sex crime against children? You also need to consider that gay people are not allowed to get married and their relationships are still discriminated by homophobes like you. According to the research, single men are more likely to have sex crimes. Cannot this be partially caused by not recognition of or discrimination against same-sex relationships?
原文中也说的很清楚,“Some of the individuals involved report being forced into sex.”有一部分只是做歌舞伎的用途,而另有一部分则除此之外还要做性奴。中国历史上也有只有男人才能登台唱戏的时代,哪怕是旦角,看戏或者养戏班子的可以是异性恋也可以是同性恋,无从判断,但是如果跟男戏子上床睡觉,那就决不是异性恋能干的出来的事儿了。
这位版主问我那些人异性恋可能性大还是同性恋可能性大,这问题让人哭笑不得。引用的那段东西里写得很清楚,那些人睡的都是十多岁青春期的男孩。说一个纯粹的straight man会去做这种事情,就好比说一个正常人桌上摆满了各种食物却还嫌不够非要去吃屎。You don't know what straight guy is like, because you are gay. But I know.答案很简单,你文中那两个例子中的主人,全都是gay。