Thank you for applying for a Migration Skills Assessment with Engineers Australia. Please note that applications are dealt with on a first-in, first-out basis.
Please refer to the date on the receipt which acknowledged your fee payment.
1. If you have lodged a COMPETENCY DEMONSTRATION REPORT (CDR), the current turnaround time is c.16 weeks
- CDR applications received on the 11 April 2013 are currently with an assessing case officer - formal advice of the outcomes will be generated within the next 10 days or so
2. If you have lodged a Washington or Sydney ACCORD application, or accredited Australian Engineering Qualification (AEQ) for assessment, the current turnaround time is c.5 weeks
- Accord or AEQ applications received on the 20 June 2013 are currently with an assessing case officer - formal advice of the outcomes will be generated within the next 10 days or so
Please make due allowance for delivery times per Australian Post, etc
We apologise for current delays - additional staff have now been recruited in efforts to reduce current turnaround times.
Kind Regards
Migration Skills Assessment Team
Education and Assessment
Engineers Australia
11 National Circuit
Australia 2600
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