Just got a letter from council that the fire service property levy(victoria) paid to insurance companies is now to be collected by council starting the new financial year.
It doesn't say that I should be able to get refund if my existing insurance has covered after 1st July, but it is unreasonable to pay same thing twice.
that's the point, the insurance company should have sent notifications or any resolution in this regard, how stupid it would be if they just wait customer call them asking for a refund, flood of calls.
Q5. Am I able to claim a pro-rata refund of the FSL on the period of my existing policy that goes beyond 1 July 2013?
The FSL is only removed from policies issued or renewed from 1 July 2013. If your policy was issued or renewed before then and there was an FSL component, then you are not entitled to a refund. Our final contribution to the Victorian Fire Services is based on premiums we collect from customers during the 2012-2013 financial year, regardless of when the policy was taken out or renewed.
In 2009, the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission found the existing levy on insurance was highly flawed, unfair and needed reform. Under the current system those property owners who choose not to insure, under insure or self-insure make no (or inadequate) contribution to our fire services.
The Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission recommended that the State Government replace the insurance-based fire services levy with a property-based levy to ensure that all Victorian property owners contribute their fair share to our fire services.