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全文载自http://skillselect.govspace.gov. ... skilled-employment/
This information explains the Skilled Employment factor within the points test and how to claim points in your Expression of Interest (EOI).
When you claim points for this factor in your EOI, and you are invited to apply, you must be able to provide evidence you met the requirements of this factor at the time of invitation. Further information on evidence that you must provide is available in Booklet 6.
Skilled employment
You can receive up to 20 points for employment experience in a skilled occupation, gained over the past ten years either in or outside of Australia.
To claim points for skilled employment, the experience that you claim must be in your nominated occupation, or in a closely related occupation.
You can claim points for both Australian skilled employment and overseas skilled employment and this may be from a combination of both Australian and overseas employment experience provided it was undertaken in the last 10 years.
The maximum number of points that can be awarded for Australian or overseas employment experience or combinations of both is 20 points.
What is skilled employment?
For employment to be considered skilled it must meet the following requirements:
the employment must have in your nominated occupation or a closely related occupation.
the employment was undertaken after you met the entry level requirements for that occupation (that is, completed a sufficient level of study or amount of on-the-job training). If the entry level prescribed for your nominated occupation is a certain qualification only work undertaken after you have completed that qualification will be counted as skilled employment
the relevant Assessing Authority which undertook your skills assessment may also provide an opinion on your skilled employment experience. You should check with your relevant assessing authority about documents that have to be provided to allow them to provide an opinion about your skilled employment. You must provide the department with copies of all the documents that you provide your assessing authorities, when you are invited to apply.
you must have been paid for working in this nominated occupation or a closely related occupation for at least 20 hours a week. Working for at least 20 hours a week means 20 hours each week and not irregular periods that average out to 20 hours a week over a year.
Any periods of skilled employment must have been undertaken at the required skill level. For example, a person who works 4 years as a bookkeeper while undertaking accounting studies, then qualifies as an accountant as specified by an accounting body, then works 2 years as an accountant can only claim 2 years skilled employment in the nominated occupation of Accountant.
What does ‘closely related’ mean?
Any periods of employment in a closely related occupation must be undertaken at the relevant skill level of the nominated occupation. This means employment that you claim to be ‘closely related’ to your nominated occupation must be:
a) in the same Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) Unit Group. For example, the occupations of Management Accountant and Taxation Accountant are in the same group, or
b) consistent with a plausible career advancement pathway. For example, Accountant to Chief Financial Officer
Further information on occupation information, skill level and ANZSCO unit groups are available on the department’s website at: www.immi.gov.au/asri
To claim points in your EOI for Skilled Employment, you must:
In the Employment part of your EOI, you should indicate your employment history, including dates you started and finished, employer name, position and country it was undertaken in.
For each employment undertaken in the last 10 years that is related to your nominated occupation or a closely related occupation, select “Yes” to the question, “Is this employment related to your nominated occupation?”