本帖最后由 doritething 于 8-6-2013 14:29 编辑
hanyue112 发表于 8-6-2013 02:06
22.1 When is an applicant skilled
Skilled on basis of educational qualifications
An applicant ...
谢谢 你引用的信息 我有些个人的理解 标注如下 仅供参考
22 Employment must be skilled
For employment to be considered ‘skilled’ it must meet two requirements:
1.that it was undertaken after the applicant met the entry level requirements for that occupation (that is, completed a sufficient level of study or amount of on-the-job training) and
2.that it involved duties at the level of depth and complexity expected in Australia.
In assessing both factors, case officers should have regard to ANZSCO. For occupations for which ANZSCO does not provide adequate guidance, case officers should consider the requirements set by the relevant assessing authority.
=====>这里针对 ANZSCO does not provide adequate guidance:
大部分的ICT Occupation Code在ANZSCO描述里提供了guidance:
Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) http://www.immi.gov.au/asri/
举例 261313 software-engineer http://www.immi.gov.au/asri/occupations/s/software-engineer.htm
Skill level
This occupation has a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. <--Formal qualification
At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification.<--如果没有Formal qualification, 如何替代
In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). <--某些情况下,光Formal qualification还不够,Like SummitLegal 所说,这里什么是some instances某些情况下,不清楚,不过这个应该属于个别案例CO的不同处理,不是针对群体所有。
另外请参考这里DIAC 对于如何在EOI Claim分数 尤其什么是Skilled employment的解释说明:
http://skillselect.govspace.gov. ... skilled-employment/
22.2 Skilled after on the job training
The three main occupations for which on the job training can be used to obtain a suitable skills assessment are the trades, management positions and IT professionals.
As these applicants do not have an identifiable date of registration or completion of their formal studies, the assessing body will normally prescribe a date as of which the applicant is assessed as meeting the Australian standard for the occupation.
If this date has not been identified by the assessing authority, a case officer should have regard to ANZSCO in the first instance or where ANZSCO is silent, the guidelines used by the relevant assessing authority, to determine how long a person would need to work in that occupation before they would be considered to meet the Australian entry level requirement.
======>这里针对标题 22.2 Skilled after on the job training:
通过on-the-job training来获得skilled,也可以是属于前面说的'some instances'。 另外好像也是特别针对于那些通过RPL方式职业评估的应征者。 也就是下列二种情况申请人:
1)RPL申请人 - 就是说申请人的学历学位可能不是ICT major或者没有Formal qualification,通过其他方式来代替的
2) 在'Some instances'范畴里的申请人 - 这部分人可能拥有Formal qualification,但是还是被要求‘relevant experience’ and/or ‘on-the-job training’,不过应该属于个案申请人,不是所有群体
目前来看 似乎这些skilled employment可能更多是针对一些非ICT major Formal qualification的申请人或者RPL申请人,要么是对非群体的特别个案under 'some instances'.
这些还都是些个人理解和解读 具体还是看DIAC官方是否有7.1.2013新政措施或者明白的官方说明。