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I am sorry for bothering you again. But this is really vital for me.
Today, I found that the Skills-Assessment-Guidelines-for-Applicants.pdf has been updated and added the following content in Chapter 4 Employment:
Skilled employment must be of a suitable ICT professional level and relevant or closely related to the
nominated ANZSCO code to be counted toward your suitability.
Only employment completed after the date you have met the ACS requirements will be counted as
skilled employment. Please see the Summary of Criteria for additional information.
http://www.acs.org.au/__data/ass ... -for-Applicants.pdf
My major is ICT and I have the bachelor degree. I was wondering if it means that the first two years of my work experience cannot be counted as the skilled employment? For example, I've already worked as a software engineer for 5 years, and per the original ACS policy I can claim my point by using these 5-year experience in EOI, which can provide me the additional 5 point. However, seemingly, per the new policy of ACS updated recently, I only remain 3-year experience to claim, which cannot provide me the additional 5 point in EOI any more.
Could you tell me if my understanding is right?
This is important to me because if it was the new way to count the skilled employment completed(cutting down 2 years), I could not have enough points to meet the pass mark of EOI.
Thank you.
Dear XXX,
Thank you for your email.
For a Skill Assessment only experience that has been obtained after you meet the ACS Guidelines will be considered as Skilled Employment.
It is still up to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship as to how they award points based on experience and you will need to direct your question to them.
CO写的很明确,对于Skill Assessment来讲,你达到标准后的才被视作是Skilled Employment,但是至于DIAC怎么算,你还得问他们。
[ 本帖最后由 nettree 于 9-5-2013 18:58 编辑 ] |