1. Child custody details: Does any other person have custodial, access or guardianship rights to this child?
我是主签证人,这个问题是否应该填Yes,我老公算是这个"other person“吗?
2. Country of residence
Usual country of residence:我们一家三口现在都在澳洲居住,这个是要填澳洲,还是中国?
3. migrating dependent family members:我父母在美国和我哥一起住,我公公婆婆和我们一起住。需要填写他们的信息吗?他们算是Migrating dependent family member吗?
4. Skills assessment details
Does the applicant have a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority?
我在高校当Assistant Professor,博士毕业证书算是这个skill assessment吗?除了毕业证书,还真没其他的”技术评估“了。。。
Is this employment related to the nominated position. 我们以前在国内的高校工作经历,是否属于跟这个提名职位有关系?我们不是太清楚。
6. Is the primary applicant seeking an exemption based on age, skill and/or language requirements? 我们最近五年没考过任何英语考试(如雅思、托福之类),但我们的博士是在香港取得的(教育语言为英语)。很久以前考过托福。这样子的情况,我们是否需要申请exemption?
1. Child custody details: Does any other person have custodial, access or guardianship rights to this child?
我是主签证人,这个问题是否应该填Yes,我老公算是这个"other person“吗?
2. Country of residence
Usual country of residence:我们一家三口现在都在澳洲居住,这个是要填澳洲,还是中国?
3. migrating dependent family members:我父母在美国和我哥一起住,我公公婆婆和我们一起住。需要填写他们的信息吗?他们算是Migrating dependent family member吗?
4. Skills assessment details
Does the applicant have a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority?
我在高校当Assistant Professor,博士毕业证书算是这个skill assessment吗?除了毕业证书,还真没其他的”技术评估“了。。。
>>技术移民的都有个职业列表SOL,对应职业列表有相应的评估机构,只要不是学生都应该有职业评估吧,不确定。毕业证书是qualification,跟skill assessment完全两回事。
Is this employment related to the nominated position. 我们以前在国内的高校工作经历,是否属于跟这个提名职位有关系?我们不是太清楚。
6. Is the primary applicant seeking an exemption based on age, skill and/or language requirements? 我们最近五年没考过任何英语考试(如雅思、托福之类),但我们的博士是在香港取得的(教育语言为英语)。很久以前考过托福。这样子的情况,我们是否需要申请exemption?
1. Child custody details: Does any other person have custodial, access or guardianship rights to this child?
我是主签证人,这个问题是否应该填Yes,我老公算是 ...