楼主: yearshappy
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[entertainment] 百部(双语)澳电视台播放电影观后笔记 & 纪录片

 楼主| 发表于 8-12-2018 16:04:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 8-12-2018 19:22 编辑

Alexander The Great, a great inspiration for Julius Caesar as well for Napoleon Bonaparte.

The True Story Of Alexander The Great, Part 1,2 & 3

directed by Jim Lindsay; produced by Steven D. Smith (New York, NY: A&E Television Networks, 2005)

  • part 1: born (356BC) of a ruthless mother & a domineering father; educated by Aristotle at a cave (ethics, politics, music, medicine, embyology, astronomy, botany, magnets, optics, histories, zoology, rhetoric, poetry, curiosity; no assumptions, every situation is diffrent, organize, analyze the facts before drawing conclusions)
  • a warrior at 14, a general at 18, a king at 20, then 12 years of conquering the world built a vast empire, died at 32 (323BC)
  • a boy of incredible intellect, his favorite auther,Homer; given finest training, academic, athletic and military
  • is a dominant and altra masculine father contributed to a homosexual? (so he could relax with a feminine male?)
  • part 2: battles (Granikus and the island of Tyre)(bold, courage, knowledge)
  • part 3: the Persion King's army were defeated at Gaugamela. The king Darius was killed by his own man. At the age of 29, Alexander shocked his male lover by taking a Persion girl as his wife. He ordered to execute his own historian. conquest of India/wounded, died in illness, no one knows where he was burried. He showed no one moment of self-doubt, no one moment of fear. He had absolute confidence and vision of his own greatness.



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发表于 10-12-2018 11:40:46 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yearshappy + 50 你太可爱了!



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发表于 10-12-2018 12:37:41 | 只看该作者
看了两集The Story of Europe, 感觉我的欧洲史这个大洞补得有戏了,现在就好像是钢筋框架搭起来了,等我再往里灌些水泥,我这钢筋混凝土结构就齐了

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 楼主| 发表于 10-12-2018 18:55:07 | 只看该作者
OZCherry 发表于 10-12-2018 12:37
看了两集The Story of Europe, 感觉我的欧洲史这个大洞补得有戏了,现在就好像是钢筋框架搭起来了,等我再 ...

好啊, 好啊, 好新奇的比喻。Clark 选的题目是相当大的,涉及的内容也很多,有时一句话,甚至半句话都是有大量背景资料支持的;不过挑自己感兴趣的一点点灌你的水泥吧

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 楼主| 发表于 10-12-2018 19:14:52 | 只看该作者

Homer's Iliad, 是传说还是真有其事呢? 考古和研究发现,Troy 是存在的

The True Story of Troy An Ancient War



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 楼主| 发表于 10-12-2018 19:31:20 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 11-12-2018 12:10 编辑

Episode 3&4 aired on Saturday 8 Dec, 2018 on SBS ONE

right now you can see it on SBS on Demand

The Story of Europe, hosted by Dr. Christopher Clark, anAustralia-born Cambridge historian

1.      Origins & Identity
2.      Beliefs & Ideas
3.      Ambitions & Conquests
4.      Achievements & Rewards
5.      Commonalities & Division
6.      State of Play

·      Europeans have always been driven by a thirstfor adventure, a lust for power, and, not least, by greed.
·      Vikings
·      Why did Renaissance become an era of EuropeanWorld exploration? The driven forces: the intellectual curiosity? The competitiveambition of powerful states? The Spaniards and the Portuguese were the first,the Dutch, the British and the French followed hard on their heels. The Italianexplorer, Marco Polo -> Christopher Columbus supported by the Spanish crown.
·      Original inhabitants believed the land belong toeveryone; whereas the Europeans had developed the concept of ‘private property’.
·      The reasons that China did not initiate theexploration: the 3rd emperor of the Ming dynasty ascended the thronein 1402 sent out Zheng He. ‘Your servants hope that your Majesty will notpermit warlike plans and the gaining of glory by expeditions to distant lands,give your people of a period of rest.’ – the Chinese authorities had littleinterest in the ‘outside’ world. Additionally, they have one ruler, powerfocused in one place.
·      Treaty of Tordesillas, 7 June 1494, agreementbetween Spain and Portugal on the division of the new world.
·      The American’s potato fed the masses in Europeand finally the Europeans had enough to eat lay foundation for European power.
·      Sugar industry in the late 18c was dramaticallyincreased; paralleled with slavery transportation (triangle route)  
·      The Amsterdam stock exchange was established inthe early 17th c.(1602) // tulip craze = Tulip mania; art works = DutchGolden Age (the dark side of European wealth – the acquisition of wealth was exploitationof other peoples
·      Slavery was condemned in 15..? but enforced only200 years later.
·      British James Cook’s carried a secret message,finding a new colony for the country.
·      Boston Tea Party: the first step towardsindependence; the battle of Yorktown in 1781; Declaration of Independence (allmen are created equal) ; Europeans from the old world emigrated to the new.
·      14 powers divided Africa in Germany in 19thc; later expanded to China.

·      In 15th c,  city-states in Italy were flourishing whilethe source of that wealth wa competition. Medichi family supported art works,Last Supper, Michelangelo and his David, the Last Judgement, celebrating thenaked form. This was the era of Renaissance sought the knowledge of ancientGreece and Rome.
·      Ancient philosophers: Socrates, Plato,Aristotle, great thinkers in the skill of reasoning.
·      Isaac Newton, 200 years later Charles Darwin,Albert Einstein, atoms (partnership)
·      The fundamental questions of human are who weare, where we come from and where we will go.
·      Galileo
·      Leonardo’s inventions and achievements, hisunfinished but the most renown work Mona Lisa   
·      The Global Theatre, public entertainment =Shakespeare, a transformer  
·       CharlieChaplin, Marlene Dietrich,
·      Louis XIV’ , the Sun King, moved his whole royalcourt to Versailles. His dine was out on a show. A century earlier an Italiannoble woman had tried to teach the French proper manners and fine dining,booming luxury industries till today. Paris produces the hottest fashion today.
·      Peter the Great, 18 months’ journey to catch upwith the modernity of Europe.
·      Joseph Stalin
·      The Beatles, music band
·      Beethoven’s ninth and final symphony finished inVienna, 1824; Ode to Joy


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 楼主| 发表于 10-12-2018 23:24:51 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 16-12-2018 15:59 编辑

The Story of Europe, hosted by Dr. Christopher Clark, anAustralia-born Cambridge historian
1.      Origins & Identity
2.      Beliefs & Ideas
3.      Ambitions & Conquests
4.      Achievements & Rewards
5.      Commonalities & Division
6.      State of Play

5&6 on air, 15th Dec, 2018


  • unity vs division - the cardinal question facing the European political leaders; intellectual questions


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 楼主| 发表于 11-12-2018 13:53:18 | 只看该作者

The Secret Life of Queen Victoria presented by Tracy Borman, 2017 UK, SBS

focuses on her private life
  • was brought up and schooled by her mother confined in the palace with a limited circle of friends
  • was interested in people with a strong curiosity, kept writing a diary of 2500 words a day for the rest of her life since a young age. Till her death, she wrote some 60 million words in her diaries. All of those diaries were either distroied or altered after her death.
  • became the Queen at the age of 18, finally free from her mother's control
  • extremely close relationship with her husband Albert and dressed in black for the rest of her life since the death of her husband
  • emotionaly attached to her servant John Brown till his death, turned to overeat
  • the Indian servant, nothing in common between the two but the pair became inseperatable; she was introduced into curry food, Indian langauges. they talked about history and philosophy
  • overweight (had 9 children died at 81 in 1901 / less than 5ft tall): she ate too quick, too much, lack of exercise
  • dual personality (private life vs public life; youth vs old) ; very interesting life, full of beans, full of life enjoyed the company of men and women.

https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/ ... e-of-queen-victoria


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 楼主| 发表于 11-12-2018 21:23:46 | 只看该作者

The 3rd Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy, a public speech by Jeremy Rifkin, social and economic theorist, activist. His first print in 2011

  • after 200 years of industrial activity, climate change is ravaging the planet, talking us into the sixth extinction of life on Earth. Where do we go from here?
  • Productivity's been declining and will be continuing slow growing in the next 20 years (2011-2031)
  • a half of the world population are better off while the other half are worse off than the period before industral revolution; a few super rich
  • environmental crisis, water, storms, natural disasters ... what do we do? How do humans organise the society?
  • 3 critical elements: new communication technology, new sources of energy, new modes of mobility (transportation logistics)
  • 1st industral revolution in Britain
  • 2nd industral revolution in the US in 1905 until 2008, economy collapsed, black Monday at the Wall Street (fossil fuels age)
  • economy is not governed by Newton's laws. Two elements count: conservasion law; aggregate efficiency (selling)
  • the Internet of Things: communication internet, energy internet, transport internet - big data = sharing economic -->zero marginal cost society
  • a chip capacity is still increasing; solar panel is keeping getting cheaper
  • not selling energy but manage, you're able to manage you win
  • three contributions to global warming: building, meat & transport (electric car)
  • industries involved: telecom, cable, ICT, consumer electronics, transport, logistics, construction and real estate
  • lifestyle shifts; two economic systems: capital market/sharing economic; from markets to networks, from consumerism to sustainability, from market capital to social capital
  • three changes in the definitions of freedom, power & community; geopolictics --> biosphere conscious
  • a society of being able to nurture the empathic sensitivities
  • water issue on the planet goes together with energy; relationship between electricity and women, electricity free women
  • to deal with monopoly, regulate it for publick good and this'll be the politics of millennial generations
  • US has no sense of a social market economy (governments' contribution to infrastructure), goverments, business and the civil society work together

SBS: https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/1165831747733/the-third-industrial-revolution
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX3M8Ka9vUA


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 楼主| 发表于 11-12-2018 23:17:32 | 只看该作者

Camilla 多年来的低调,这是第一次记录片

The Real Camilla: the Duchess of Cornwall

on ABC

on youtube


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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2018 13:57:08 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 12-12-2018 13:59 编辑

Yves Saint Laurent 法国名牌圣罗兰创始人, on SBS

https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/ ... /yves-saint-laurent



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 楼主| 发表于 15-12-2018 14:49:22 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 15-12-2018 16:01 编辑

To Kill a King // Oliver Cromwell and the English Civil War

key words: Charles I, Cormwell, the first English civil war

Charles I (1600-1649)
  • a man by all accounts a loving father of 9 children, faced his execution with courage and dignity
  • a belief of the Divine Right of Kings, not to his subjects. stubborn refusal to compromise over power-sharing with those Parliamentarians. as stubborn as Tsar Nicholas II, the terrible fate of the entire family
  • shy and insecure but apperarred to others, he's haughty and arrogant
  • his most important legacy, art collection
  • beheaded on 30th Jan, 1649
  • witnesses' diary entries, shocked by the horrior

Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658 = 59)
  • it's an era when people genuinely believed the Divine Right of Kings, belived in God differred in the ways of worship
  • born into a middle class family; a military genius/remarkable at warfare
  • a republician, absolutely changed England forever
  • didn't make himself any easier when in power
  • great passion, great violence; disciplined life, a man on a mission
  • discipline, discipline, discipline, the key for his relation with his men, fought for common men's justice

The 1st English civil war (1642-46)
  • between supporters of the monarchy and rebellions, religions disbuse




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 楼主| 发表于 18-12-2018 09:07:48 | 只看该作者

Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70
on bbc one last night



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 楼主| 发表于 18-12-2018 09:14:19 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 18-12-2018 09:57 编辑

Martin Luther & his Protestant reformation

a short bio text on bbc uk.

the first 2-3 mins for a better understanding of how it happened
(the dominant Roman Church, corruption, )

the differences between (Roman) Catholics and Protestants
  • authority: the Church/ faith
  • salvation:
  • purgatory: ../ no purgatory
  • prayer:
  • One Church: .. /faith




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发表于 22-12-2018 23:06:32 | 只看该作者

看到To Kill a King Trailer,突然想起来大学毕业后的某一晚,和下铺的兄弟一起看了个亚瑟王的电影,之前看过两个版本的亚瑟王的电影,但是那一个更长,几小时;更老,年代久远。没想到的是,我们俩整个看下来了。

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 楼主| 发表于 23-12-2018 07:37:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 23-12-2018 07:39 编辑
HPEB 发表于 22-12-2018 23:06
以前一部电影翻过来倒过去不知要看多少遍,现在很多电影静静地躺在硬盘里 ...

握手为相同爱好 ;。 Charles I b被砍头看得我唏嘘不已。
你幸福哎硬盘里有电影,开个帖介绍一下?? 其他人也可跟着欣赏

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发表于 23-12-2018 08:00:24 | 只看该作者
yearshappy 发表于 23-12-2018 07:37
握手为相同爱好 ;。 Charles I b被砍头看得我唏嘘不已。
你幸 ...





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 楼主| 发表于 26-12-2018 13:50:34 | 只看该作者
HPEB 发表于 23-12-2018 08:00

没想到后来发现,很多local ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2-5-2019 02:56:11 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 17-5-2019 01:03:37 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 17-5-2019 12:32 编辑

a bit of China - the story of staple food (wheat, rice, millet/Shanxi)

it's similar with damper, the Australian bush bread baked over camp fire.


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 楼主| 发表于 1-11-2019 22:53:27 | 只看该作者
a biographical drama set in the late 18th century British society, part of abolishing slavery movement
'You have to figure out/know where exactly you belong' replied the lord
It raises a question of what history really is: it is indeed the individuals who did extraordinary things. The author/black discovered the rare unique paining which has been on the wall for a few generations, and she picks the pieces together while an director/black made a movie of it; a landmark film which is not to entertain but to encourage, motivate and inspire people, to bring about a better society.  
Love it, 5 out of 5



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 楼主| 发表于 6-11-2019 00:17:17 | 只看该作者
Toast, UK

What was impressive? Every child in school was given a bottle of milk, in 1960s in UK so was in Australia.


Nigel Slater on Eating for England, very much about what British people eat, telling stories of what has been on the British table in the past and the present day.


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 楼主| 发表于 8-11-2019 08:48:44 | 只看该作者
Out Time Will Come 明月几时有

the history of individuals



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 楼主| 发表于 16-11-2019 12:39:00 | 只看该作者

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia by Martin Smith

an economic reformer, a political conservative



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