不过还好的是,把immediate family member的那个等同待遇保留了 - 就是如果你的immediate family member (比如配偶)在过去5年内住满了2年,你自己没住满,你可以得到她/他新的回程签证同样长度的签证 (最长的也就是5年)。可以同时申请,也可让住满的人先申请,另外一个之后再申请。
但是,现在移民局好象把immediate family member的那个等同待遇(你可以得到她/他新的回程签证同样长度的签证 (最长的也就是5年))又取消了,而且没有任何公告!
To be granted a visa for five years, you must have lived in Australia as a permanent resident for at least two of the last five years. Alternatively, if you do not meet this residence requirement but you can demonstrate substantial ties of benefit to Australia you may be eligible to be granted the visa for one year.
If you do not meet the requirements of the subclass 155 visa you will be assessed for the subclass 157 visa which can be granted for three months.
If you want to continue travelling to and from Australia as a permanent resident you will need to obtain another Resident Return visa.