1. 短信确认。客户确定后,会接到短信,明确接送日期时间,行走路线(是否走收费高速,是否走收费隧道),人数,费用和付款(上车付款)等信息。
2. 行李。由于我的车体大,目前还没有遇到过行李多到装不下的情况。如果客户落定后再有增加行李(回国返澳的时候比较常发生),没有任何追加费用。但是也请提前告知,我可以把车腾空,做好准备。
3. 不绕路接客,不拼车。我相信大部分客人对拼车并无所谓,但是绕路很讨厌,特别是绕路造成赶飞机的时间压力,那就太痛苦了。
4. 机场接机免等待。因为每个客人和航班情况不同,通关时间从半小时到几个小时不等。司机早到机场,司机要等;司机晚到机场,客人要等。我的承诺:您出关后一个电话,我几分钟内就赶到接您,免除您等待的麻烦。
5. 按时按里程保养汽车。您可能觉得,只要准时送到机场就可以了,车况保养与否无所谓。请您看以下链接: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news ... x8me2-1226354236410
Road experts said many mechanical breakdowns were caused by poor maintenance and were avoidable.
More than 451 trucks broke down on CityLink last year alone - an average of two per day.
About 3199 cars - or nine a day - stopped on freeways and major arterial roads.
Figures from the RACV reveal motorists were most likely to have their journey blocked by stalled vehicles on the Monash Freeway, with more than 670 calls for assistance in the first three months of this year.