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[便携数码] Australia's first 4G smartphone hits shelves

发表于 25-1-2012 07:03:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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AUSTRALIA'S first 4G mobile phone will be launched today, offering internet downloads up to 17 times faster than current connections, News Limited tests show.
The HTC Velocity 4G will be the first phone to use Telstra's 4G network, launched to laptop users late last year, but the company promises to release more 4G smartphones and a compatible tablet computer this year.
Telstra's 4G network, using Long Term Evolution technology, is currently available in a 5km area around Australia's capital cities and in 80 regional centres, and promises typical download speeds up to five times as fast as current phone downloads.
But exclusive News.com.au tests show average downloads are up to 17 times as fast as those on Telstra's 3G network, putting a huge speed gulf between the Velocity 4G and competing phones.
Download speeds of up to 40 megabits per second and uploads of 10 megabits per second are possible with the 4G phone, making quick photo uploads, live video streaming and seamless mobile YouTube watching possible.
Telstra mobile director Andrew Volard said 4G phones would allow "the next generation of mobile apps" to emerge, including some delivering "cloud gaming" that Telstra was currently testing.
Mr Volard said the HTC Velocity 4G was the first of many 4G phones to come this year.
"We have a number of devices in development with all the major manufacturers," he said. "We have four in development and we're looking at a 4G tablet that will also come in due course. It's going to be one of our major focuses in 2012."

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/technolog ... 46872#ixzz1kPLptCRU


[ 本帖最后由 dcxg 于 25-1-2012 07:07 编辑 ]


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