Non-Australian income (for example, pension from another country) must be converted to Australian dollars for the income test. The rate used is the Commonwealth Bank of Australia's airmail buying rate, obtained on the 5th working day before the first business day of any month. That rate is used for all days in that month.
The 10-year Australian resident requirement means you have been an Australian resident for a continuous period of at least 10 years, or for a number of periods which total more than 10 years, with one of the periods being at least 5 years.
大概什么样的人可以呢?其实‘持有有效签证,且父母、配偶或子女中有一人具有永久居民身份’这个翻译的后面半句是没问题的,问题出现在前半句。什么是‘持有有效签证’?其实英文的解释里面有2层意思:1. 申请medicare的人已经申请或准备申请PR visa 2. 该申请人还具有在澳洲的合法签证,该签证必须允许打工才行。
例子的话,如173父母移民,属于TR,但是将来是要申请PR的,在173 TR的2年时间里,可以享受medicare。
另外,对于配偶移民Partner Temporary Visa (Subclass 309),配偶拿的是TR签证,2年后可以转PR,这时候,持309配偶签证(2年的TR)的一方也可以享受medicare。