请看1139表Business Skills profile: Investor and State/Territory Sponsored Investor
Part E – Designated investment
第11项Assets to be used to finance this Investment
Attach a statement of the source of funds, providing an historical
account of how these assets were accumulated. Funds used to purchase
a designated investment in Australia must be accumulated as a result of
your, or your and your spouse or de facto partner’s, business or eligible
investment activities.The statement should include details of major assets purchased or sold
leading to the accumulation of these assets, including:
• the value of major assets purchased, and the source of funds with
which they were acquired; and
• the value of major assets sold.
Note: You should not borrow funds to finance this investment.
关于投资75W一定要是赚来的,确实移民局官方网站上什么人满足165项下没有提,但在1139表上明确说明投资款一定是赚来的75W,所以有些要求,一定要看过一遍全部的申请文件才能搞清楚. 下面是香港要求的文件(Documentation Guide and Checklists for Business Skills Applications from PRC residents (pdf, 431kb))