Holders of the Spouse (Provisional) visa subclass 309, Spouse (Temporary) subclass 820, and Interdependency (Provisional) subclasses 310, Interdependency (Temporary) subclass 826, Partner (Provisional) subclass 309 or Partner (Temporary) subclass 820.
Note: These are the only temporary visa categories that are eligible.
Returning Australian Citizens
Returning Australian Citizens may be eligible within two years of returning to Australia to settle permanently. Evidence of the date of return to Australia is required.
Example: Passport or airline ticket.
Permanent Visa Holders
Migrants and humanitarian entrants who hold a permanent visa to settle in Australia are eligible for free translations.
Note: there are some exceptions. The tables below list the permanent visa subclasses which are NOT eligible for free translations.
Offshore grant Title
119 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme
120 Labour Agreement
121 Employer Nomination Scheme
124 Distinguished Talent
Onshore grant Title
857 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme
855 Labour Agreement
856 Employer Nomination Scheme
858 Distinguished Talent
845 Established Business in Australia
846 S/T Sponsored Regional Established Business in Australia