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发表于 21-12-2010 01:23:54
作者:benznj 留言时间:2010-12-19 11:26:15
Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
Brothers Karamazov (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand)
Republic (Plato)
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle)
Politics (Aristotle)
A Treatise of Human Nature (David Hume)
Don Quixote (Cervantes)
Democracy in America (Alexis DeTocqueville)
Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith)
如果涂仙和其他博主有好书,请列出来分享。古人曰 “读万卷书,行万里路”,实为增长见识,增加阅历的最佳途径。
作者:2cents 留言时间:2010-12-19 13:27:45
两年读了十本英语经典大作,真让我佩服得五体投地。即使不是100% 明白也是很值得钦佩的!其实好作品都是百读不厌,越读越喜欢,也越领悟到书中的含义。
我的唯一建议是不妨尝试阅读一些美国近代小说,比如 1993 年诺贝尔文学奖得主黑人女作家 Toni Morrison 的 A Mercy 和 1976 年得主加拿大裔美国作家 Saul Bellow 的短篇小说 Seize the Day。(后者1986年已被改编为 Robin Williams主演的影片。)这些作品会让你对美国社会有更深的了解。 (当然你可能对这类小说不感兴趣,要是如此就不勉强了。)
A Mercy:Set at the close of the 17th century, the book tells the story of a slave at a plantation in Maryland who offers up her daughter, Florens, to a relatively humane Northern farmer, Jacob, as debt payment from their owner. The ripples of this choice spread to the inhabitants of Jacob's farm, populated by women with intersecting and conflicting desires. When Jacob falls ill, all these women are threatened. Morrison's lyricism describes life in a brutal society and takes hold of the reader and doesn't let go until the wrenching final-page crescendo.
Seize the Day:The story centers around a day in the life of Wilhelm Adler (aka Tommy Wilhelm), a failed actor in his forties. Wilhelm is unemployed, impecunious, separated from his wife (who refuses to agree to a divorce), and estranged from his children and his father. He is also stuck with the same immaturity and lack of insight which has brought him to failure. In Seize the Day Wilhelm experiences a day of reckoning as he is forced to examine his life and to finally accept the "burden of self".
作者:benznj 留言时间:2010-12-19 15:55:26
Thanks 涂仙, The books sound interesting. I havn't explored any books by African American, this could be my starting point. The second reminds me of Candide of Voltaire(On my to read list), will take a look.
作者:aman21 留言时间:2010-12-19 18:30:37
50,000?! You are asking too much!
University Professor = 15,000+ words
Spelling Bee Winners = 30,000+ (as claimed by them)
作者:2cents 留言时间:2010-12-19 19:25:18
I apologize for needlessly scaring my readers.
The English Language passed the million-word threshold on June 10, 2009 at 10:22 a.m. (GMT). According to the recent Google/Harvard Study, the current number of words in the English Language is 1,022,000.
So 50,000 words may sound like a lot, but it is not.
But the important thing is not how many words you know, but whether you’re able to, for instance,
- read and understand a newspaper like the New York Times on the internet;
- listen to and understand a report on PBS;
- read a short novel like Seize the Day without having to look up too many words in the dictionary;
- write a 500-word grammatically correct essay on why you chose to immigrate to the USA (the essay must contain at least 3 idoms); or
- give a 5-minute grammatically correct speech on the differences between Eastern and Western cultures (it must, again contain 3 idioms);
and so on.
作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-12-19 22:56:24
也佩服一个!! 两年啃了这么多经典不部头,实在不容易,除非你的专业就是和哲学或者文学有关, 但我猜想应该不是 。像“卡拉马左夫兄弟”和“罪与罚”这样的作品,我还没有勇气去读。那个时代俄国作家的原作,只读了‘战争与和平’,还是陪儿子读的:)。
不过我也很赞同涂仙的观点,适当读一些美国近现代作家的作品,对于了解一些相关的历史和社会背景绝对有好处。我最近看了 Scott Fitzgerald 的 “The Great Gatzby ”(也是因为“挪威的森林”的主人公对该作家和作品的极度推崇,所以“爱屋及乌”了),觉得很有意思,对那段疯狂的年代有了一些以前没有的感受; 现在正在抽空读他的另外一部作品 “The Beautiful and Damned ”,但感觉不如前者。不知涂仙对该作者是否熟悉,有何评价?
作者:2cents 留言时间:2010-12-20 05:10:31
很赞同昭君的观点,F. Scott Fitzgerald 是 20 年代初期描述美国疯狂“爵士时代”的作家,写了很多短篇小说,The Great Gatsby 和 The Beautiful and the Damned 是他的较长的作品,很惭愧,我倒没有读过(Great Gatsby 电影倒有看过)。因为写博需求和目前的个人兴趣,我正在读“保守派”黑人作家 (哲学家兼经济学家兼社会学家) Thomas Sowell 的几本书。(我对他的社会思想特别有兴趣)Sowell 的独特英语风格对我尤其是一种享受,我特别推荐他的 Black Rednecks and White Liberals (Sowell 本人就是一个 “Black Redneck”),另一本 Affirmative Action around the World 也值得一读。
作者:昭君 留言时间:2010-12-20 09:14:28
再罗嗦一句, Lee Harper 的“杀死一只知更鸟”也非常不错,对了解过去美国南方种族分离的状态很有帮助。我没看过电影,但小说非常耐读-- 我儿子说这是他最喜欢的小说之一 -- 当然我也是因为他的极力推荐才读的这本书:)。 |