1 where you from
what do you do
what job else you want to do
do you prefer watch movie in cenima or at home
2 descrip a kind of TV program you like
3 TV is good or not
good or bad for children
will TV used wildly in the future
Describe an enjoyable public event that you went to (such as a carnival 嘉年华, sports event or religious event 宗教活动).
You should say: what the event was
when you went there
who you went there with and explain why you enjo this event.
蹲点第2题:An healthy thing 促进健康的东西(习惯)
Describe a good thing that can improve your heath.
You should say:
what it is
when did you have it
whether you like it and explain how do you think this thing.
蹲点第3题:Describe an interesting wild animal from your country.
You should say:
where you know this animal from (or, where you saw it)
what it looks like
where it lives and explain how people in your country (or, you) feel about this animal