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明年起Vetassess职业评估全部需要工作经验 相关毕业生无法直接申请PR

发表于 29-10-2009 14:17:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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详见 http://www.vetassess.com.au/down ... _final_with_occ.pdf


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
urban2000 + 20 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 29-10-2009 14:21:54 | 只看该作者

Group A
2212-13 Accountant - Internal Auditor
2293-15 Actuary
2114-21 Agricultural Adviser
2114-19 Agricultural Scientist
2113-11 Anatomist or Physiologist
2399-11 Audiologist
2113-17 Biochemist
2113-13 Botanist
2513-17 Careers Counsellor
2123-11 Cartographer
2111-11 Chemist
2512-13 Community Worker
2513-79 Counsellors (nec)
2513-13 Drug and Alcohol Counsellor
2522-11 Economist
1293-79 Education Managers (nec)
2114-79 Environmental and Agricultural Science Professionals (nec)*
2114-11 Environmental Research Scientist
2119-15 Extractive Metallurgist
1293-13 Faculty Head*
2513-15 Family Counsellor
2114-13 Forester
2112-11 Geologist
2112-13 Geophysicist
2529-11 Historian
1299-13 Laboratory Manager
2121-13 Landscape Architect
2521-79 Legal Professionals (nec)*
2292-11 Librarian
2113-79 Life Scientists (nec)
2113-19 Marine Biologist
2119-19 Materials Scientist
2293-11 Mathematician
2119-13 Meteorologist
2515-11 Ministers of Religion*
2119-79 Natural and Physical Science Professionals (nec)
2322-11 Nurse - Nurse Educator*
2321-11 Nurse - Nurse Manager*
2322-13 Nurse - Nurse Researcher*
2399-13 Orthoptist
2399-15 Orthotist
2114-15 Park Ranger
2382-13 Pharmacist - Industrial Pharmacist
2119-17 Physical Metallurgist
2119-11 Physicist
1293-15 Regional Education Manager
2513-11 Rehabilitation Counsellor
1293-11 School Principal*
2529-79 Social Professionals (nec)
2114-17 Soil Scientist
2293-13 Statistician
2513-19 Student Counsellor*
2493-11 Teacher - Education Officer
2492-11 Teacher - English as a Second Language Teacher*
2414-79 Teacher - Special Education Teachers (nec)*
2414-11 Teacher - Special Needs Teacher*
2414-13 Teacher - Teacher of the Hearing Impaired*
2422-11 Teacher - Vocational Education Teacher (Non-trades)
2414-15 Teacher of the Sight Impaired*
2421-11 University Lecturer*
2421-13 University Tutor*
2523-11 Urban and Regional Planner
2113-15 Zoologist

Group B
2394-13 Acupuncturist
2221-17 Advertising Specialist
2299-15 Archivist
2536-11 Art Director (Film, Television or Stage)*
2491-11 Art Teacher (Private)
1296-13 Artistic Director*
2535-13 Book Editor*
2549-79 Building Surveyor
2299-79 Business and Information Professionals (nec)
1294-11 Commissioned Defence Force Officer*
1294-13 Commissioned Fire Officer*
1294-15 Commissioned Police Officer*
1212-11 Company Secretary
2537-17 Composer*
2549-11 Conservator
1191-11 Construction Project Manager
2534-19 Copywriter
2491-15 Dance Teacher (Private)
2538-13 Dancer or Choreographer*
2536-13 Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage)*
2536-15 Director of Photography*
2491-17 Drama Teacher (Private)
2534-11 Editor
2549-13 Electorate Officer
1299-17 Environment, Parks and Land Care Manager
2543-13 Environmental Health Officer
2533-11 Fashion Designer
2536-17 Film and Video Editor*
2533-13 Graphic Designer
2299-11 Health Information Manager
3323-11 Hotel or Motel Manager (Degree level)
2533-19 Illustrator
1192-11 Importer or Exporter*
2533-15 Industrial Designer
2291-15 Industrial Relations Officer
2537-15 Instrumental Musician*
2299-19 Intelligence Officer
2533-17 Interior Designer
2534-79 Journalists and Related Professionals (nec)
2295-13 Land Economist
2294-11 Management Consultant
1193-11 Manufacturer*
2221-15 Market Research Analyst
2221-13 Marketing Specialist
1296-11 Media Producer*
1292-13 Medical Administrator
2549-21 Museum or Gallery Curator
2537-11 Music Director*
2491-13 Music Teacher (Private)
2394-11 Naturopath
2543-11 Occupational Health and Safety Officer
2549-17 Oenologist
2294-13 Organisation and Methods Analyst
2531-11 Painter (Visual Arts)*
2549-15 Patents Examiner
2291-13 Personnel Consultant
2291-11 Personnel Officer
2532-11 Photographer*
2299-17 Policy Analyst
1291-11 Policy and Planning Manager
2531-15 Potter or Ceramic Artist*
2534-13 Print Journalist
1222-11 Production Manager (Manufacturing)
1222-13 Production Manager (Mining)
2536-21 Program Director (Radio or Television)*
1191-13 Project Builder
2221-11 Public Relations Officer
2294-15 Quality Assurance Manager
2534-17 Radio Journalist
2539-11 Radio Presenter*
2299-13 Records Manager
2549-19 Recreation Officer
1299-11 Research and Development Manager
2222-11 Sales Representative (Industrial Products)
2222-13 Sales Representative (Information and Communication Products)
2222-15 Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products)
2535-15 Script Editor*
2531-13 Sculptor*
2537-13 Singer*
1299-79 Specialist Managers (nec)*
1299-19 Sports Administrator
2536-19 Stage Manager*
2491-79 Teacher - Extra-systemic Teachers (nec)*
2536-23 Technical Director*
2222-79 Technical Sales Representatives (nec)
2534-21 Technical Writer
2534-15 Television Journalist
2539-13 Television Presenter*
2291-17 Training Officer
2295-11 Valuer
2531-79 Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals (nec)*
1299-15 Welfare Centre Manager
1192-13 Wholesaler*

** For Group A and B occupation - If you are a recent Australian graduate requiring a Skills Assessment to apply for a Skilled – Graduate subclass (Temporary) 485 subclass visa, you may nominate a B Group occupation, but your Bachelor Degree level studies must be in a relevant field.

Group C
3493-11 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker
3112-17 Agricultural Technical Officer *
2541-13 Air Traffic Controller*
3491-11 Ambulance Officer
3121-13 Architectural Associate
3211-11 Branch Accountant (Financial Institution)
3121-11 Building Associate
3121-17 Building Inspector
3112-11 Chemistry Technical Officer
3212-17 Commodities Trader
3492-13 Dental Hygienist
3492-11 Dental Therapist
3421-17 Disabilities Services Officer
3112-13 Earth Science Technical Officer*
3421-19 Family Support Worker
3212-79 Financial Dealers and Brokers (nec)
3211-13 Financial Institution Branch Manager
3213-11 Financial Investment Adviser
3212-15 Financial Market Dealer
2541-17 Flight Engineer*
2541-15 Flight Service Officer*
2541-19 Flying Instructor*
3212-13 Futures Trader
3993-19 Gymnastics Coach*
3993-25 Horse Riding Coach*
3323-11 Hotel or Motel Manager (Diploma level)
3212-19 Insurance Broker
3491-13 Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic
3999-11 Interior Decorator
3997-11 Library Technician
3112-15 Life Science Technical Officer*
3494-11 Massage Therapist
2542-13 Master Fisher (40 pts as on SOL and ASRI)
3129-15 Mine Deputy
3999-13 Museum or Art Gallery Technician
3291-11 Office Manager
3993-27 Other Sports Coach*
3421-11 Parole or Probation Officer
3121-21 Plumbing Engineering Associate
3121-19 Plumbing Inspector
3991-11 Primary Products Inspector
3292-11 Project or Program Administrator
3293-13 Property Manager
3293-11 Real Estate Agency Manager
3293-15 Real Estate Salesperson
3421-15 Residential Care Officer
3992-11 Safety Inspector
3994-11 Senior Non-Commissioned Defence Force Officer*
3993-29 Sports Development Officer*
3212-11 Stockbroking Dealer
3121-15 Surveying and Cartographic Associate
3993-23 Swimming Coach*
3993-21 Tennis Coach*
3421-13 Youth Worker

Group D
3129-79 Building Associate Professionals (nec)
3122-13 Civil Engineering Technician
3129-13 Metallurgical and Materials Technician

[ 本帖最后由 TtiGeR 于 29-10-2009 14:34 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 29-10-2009 14:22:34 | 只看该作者

Recent Graduates with Australian Studies who intend to apply for a Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485) (Applies only to those who intend to apply under this visa). The Department of Immigration and Citizenship recognises that recent graduates with Bachelor Degree or above level qualifications may not have sufficient employment at the required level for a complete Skills Assessment from VETASSESS. For this reason, VETASSESS will offer a two - stage process for applicants who indicate they will be applying for this visa. The first stage will lead to a Skills Assessment which may only be used to support an application for a 485 visa. To be eligible for this assessment you will need to

* have recently completed Australian studies (within the previous 6 months)
* be applying for the Skilled – Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485)
* nominate an occupation from either Group A or Group B
* hold a qualification which is assessed as being at Australian Bachelor degree level (or higher), in a highly relevant field of study to your nominated occupation for Part 1 (Educational Assessment).

Once you have obtained at least 12 months of employment in the field of your nominated occupation, you may apply for Part 2 of the Skills Assessment which is the assessment of your employment. This will complete the Skills Assessment required for permanent migration under the General Skilled Migration Program or the Employer Nomination Scheme.

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-10-2009 15:31:31 | 只看该作者
请问老虎兄, 有没有风声说,要对60分专业的毕业生作出工作要求的规定?。。现在很多留学生,本来就苦于考不到雅思7分,而无奈靠工作经验积累加分。如果都要求工作经验,那么很多学生都横了心不再考7分了。。。

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-10-2009 18:31:51 | 只看该作者


使用道具 举报

发表于 29-10-2009 22:38:40 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-10-2009 22:48:11 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-10-2009 23:38:12 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-10-2009 23:55:18 | 只看该作者

[ 本帖最后由 008 于 29-10-2009 23:56 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 30-10-2009 14:02:55 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 30-10-2009 14:05:52 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 30-10-2009 14:11:09 | 只看该作者
跟我预测的差不多,现在移民局CSL在先,随后的政策就是尽量让不在CSL清单上的delayGSM申请,否则申请堆积就是一枚定时炸弹,到时候想审都审不完,真等个4-5年之后,雅思过期了,体检过期了,雇主都变了,怎么审。不知道2年cooling off period会不会也真的实行啊,onshore的毕业生,情况也越来越不乐观了。

使用道具 举报

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