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Here's how to do it through Gallery:
1. On the standby screen press the white menu button.
2. Select "Gallery".
3. Select "Images & Videos".
4. Double-click on the image you want to use as wallpaper.
5. Tap the screen to bring up the controls and select "Options".
6. Select "Use Image", then "Set As Wallpaper".
7. When the phone has finished loading the image, press the red button to close Gallery and get back to the standby screen.
Here's how to do it through Settings:
1. On the standby screen press the white menu button.
2. Select "Settings".
3. Select "Personal".
4. Select "Themes".
5. Select "Wallpaper".
6. Double-click on "Image", then select your wallpaper from the list (you can search for a file name with the search box if you want).
7. Press the red button to get back to the standby screen.
How to use several images in a slideshow as your wallpaper
Instead of just having one image as your wallpaper, you can set the phone to automatically change the image at regular intervals.
Here's how to set up a wallpaper slideshow:
1. On the standby screen press the white menu button.
2. Select "Settings".
3. Select "Personal".
4. Select "Themes".
5. Select "Wallpaper".
6. Double-click on "Slide Show".
7. Select "Images", which brings up a list of images on the phone.
8. Tick the boxes next to the images you want to include in the slideshow.
9. Select "Options", then "Select Marked Items".
10. Select "Change Interval" and choose how often you want the wallpaper image to change.
11. When you've finished, press the red button to return to the standby screen.
1. Using the phone's web browser, go to a web page where there's an image you want to use. (Alternatively, use the Search icon in the Internet folder to search for images.)
2. When the page has finished loading, select "Options".
3. Select "Display Options" and then "View Images".
4. Select the image you want to use as wallpaper, then "OK".
5. Tap the screen to bring up the controls, then select "Options".
6. Select "Use Image", then "Set As Wallpaper".
7. It will ask about saving the image, select "Yes", "Memory Card" and "OK".
8. When it's finished saving and loading the image, press the red button to return to the standby screen. |