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发表于 21-2-2022 17:17:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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💪维州地区小件搬家接机各种提货,废弃物处理, 行李寄存,回国送机,跨州搬运,租车等各种搬家工具租赁 以及各种用车服务👉隔壁老王搬运用车

💰45起 特价酬宾🔥

上班时间 : 07:00am~12 : 00pm 🙏

🉑️提供夜间搬家🤗国定假日不打烊 预约时间弹性

(1) 搬家
(2) 取货和送货
(3) 废弃物处理
(4) 机场送机
(5) 州际搬家服务
(6) 搬家工具及汽车租赁服务
(7) 行李或家具 家电寄存


手脚俐落绝不拖时间或绕路& 搬运路程中可免费载一至两人到目的地不加价 !

💰服务价格:Melbourne 地区 $45 起一小时 (夜间不加价)+视距离收取适当回程费,长途搬运价另算: 一小时起我们出面包车和一个人工帮忙搬运 !

👉正规公司可接受现金、银行转帐或信用卡付款 有ABN可开invoice📝

Toyota Hiace 2.8吨 除了驾驶可另外乘座两人 为一般容量面包车 高2米多 常见地下车库停车场2.1米限高以下皆可自由出入,最实在的门对门到府搬家服务!🤗

⚠车内可容纳最大货物为宽 1.66米长3米 超过size可放车顶,车尾还有tow bar可拖trailer !

📍服务地区: Melbourne City , BoxHill , Clayton , Doncaster , Glen Waverley , Ringwood , Springvale , Footscray 所有东区 东南区 北区我们都可以服务 (跨州或长途搬运没有限制地区)

💡可提供完整接种疫苗certificate 全车每天都会进行局部消毒 : 疫情期间给您最安心的选择 !


☎️服务热线 :0402049508 David  (上班时间不方便接电话可以先短讯联系 短讯内容可注明: 日期、时间、是否有楼梯、地点、所需服务项目、预计所花时间 我们会尽快的给您一个简单的报价!)
📱微信 : StevenWu3357
✅Line : e335777107
WhatsApp :  +61402049508
Email :david.solutions.cs@gmail.com

Hello sorry to interrupt you for a few minutes  my name is  David  , 💪we are a local moving company (One Man Moving Service) in Victoria  The services we can provide👉 :  

(1) Moving
(2) Pick up and delivery
(3) Disposal of waste
(4) Airport drop off
(5) Interstate moving service
(6) Hire a Van or other Moving tools
(7) Temporary storage of luggage or furniture, home appliances

💰Charges :  Normally we charge $45per hour🔥for one person helping (include night time) + travel fee (depending the area) Cash、Bank Transfer or Credit Card Payment can be accepted📝 (Include Invoice) ,and we also can give two person a ride from pick up location to destination ! (Save your money from Uber) , other charge details can be contacted by phone or SMS !

🚚Vehicle Detail :  The van is 1.0 tonnes toyota hiace with roof rack and tow bar , it can basically enter any basement with a height limit of 2.1 meters door to door !

📍Service Area :  Melbourne and All Eastern Suburb Southeast Suburb Northern Suburb (No regional restrictions for long distance transportation)

💡A complete vaccination certificate is available. The whole vehicle will be locally disinfected every day: the most secure choice during the epidemic !

☎️Contact Detail :

0402049508 David  

✅Line : e335777107
📱Wechat : StevenWu3357
WhatsApp :  +61402049508
Email :david.solutions.cs@gmail.com

( If the call  not connected, you can send a text message directly. The content includes time and place what kind the service you need and you think how long it will take 、have any stairs during transport ? I will give you a quote as soon as possible !)

🤗Thank you for your patience and have a nice day !


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