Please note, customers travelling in Zone 1 only are provided with Zone 2 travel for free. Be sure to select Zone 1 to Zone 2.
2. Enter the number of myki pass days (7-days or between 28 and 365 days) or weeks (1 week or between 4 and 52 weeks) that you’d like to purchase. Once you have activated your myki pass by touching on in a zone for which it is valid, your myki pass days will run consecutively, even on days you do not travel.
因为前年维州执政党选举的福利,Zone 2 to Zone 1的票价已经降到和Zone 1 to Zone 1一致了,所以有了你前面引用的这段话。简单说来,现在只有Zone 2 to Zone 1和Zone 2 to Zone 2两种票价。Zone 2 to Zone 2只能适用于Zone 2的车站,所以范围小,票价低。把Zone 1和Zone 2想象成两个同心圆,Zone 1圆较小,Zone 2圆较大。Zone 2 to Zone 1覆盖所有面积,Zone 2 to Zone 2只覆盖两个同心圆当中的那部分面积。