================================================================================================================================================================== http://www.immigration.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/CAF71A48-28D3-40B8-9D76-5C663CCA17FA/0/1005.pdf
You will need to apply for an RRV if you:
• are in New Zealand, hold a residence permit and wish to leave New Zealand and then return; or
• held a residence permit but left New Zealand without first getting an RRV; or
• are a New Zealand citizen who travels on the passport of another country and you wish to return to New Zealand.
You do not need to have an RRV if you are:
• a New Zealand citizen re-entering New Zealand on a New Zealand passport; or
• an Australian citizen re-entering New Zealand on an Australian passport; or
• an Australian resident with a current Australian Permanent Residence Visa or a current Australian Resident Return Visa.
================================================================================================================================================================== http://www.immigration.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/CAF71A48-28D3-40B8-9D76-5C663CCA17FA/0/1005.pdf
Under General RRV Policy, you qualify for an ‘indefinite’ RRV if you held a residence permit at least two years before the date your current application for an RRV is made, and any
one of the following five situations applies to you.
1. You have spent enough time in New Zealand;2. You have tax residence status;3. Investment in New Zealand;4. Business in New Zealand;5. Established base in New Zealand
根据这个内容,一切以permit为准,你有residence permit就可以得到 IRRV,并不需要递交移民申请
Under General RRV Policy, you qualify for an ‘indefinite’ RRV if you held a residence permit at least two years before the date your current application for an RRV is made, and any
one of the following five situations applies to you.
1. You have spent enough time in New Zealand;2. You have tax residence status;3. Investment in New Zealand;4. Business in New Zealand;5. Established base in New Zealand
根据这个内容,一切以permit为准,你有residence permit就可以得到 IRRV,并不需要递交移民申请
我以我个人经历为例:我曾经在新西兰作为居民住满3年的时候(I held a New Zealand residence permit for MORE than two years),前去基督城的新西兰移民局申请永久回头签证(INDEFINITE RRV),当时我的中国护照上有:澳大利亚永久居民签证;新西兰永久居民许可。