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ACT occupation list可以在这里看: http://www.canberrayourfuture.co ... ed-migration-visas/
我发现这个网页上显示的还是 ACT Occupation List (Updated 10 Feb 15),也就是今年2月才更新,下载后显示的是act-occupation-list-may-15 那么好吧今年5月有更新。?
可是,可是,好些职位还是closed的状态,我的也closed,这意味着真的几乎没戏么?今天2015-07-01开始就是新财年了, 怎么还是那么多Closed的呢?o(╯□╰)o
在自己想申请的职位还是closed的状态的时候,有童鞋照样申请ACT nomination了么?我看在职业closed的时候只有下面情况才可以申请,是真的么?
Overseas residents
If you are living overseas, you can apply for nomination of a closed occupation if you have:
• A genuine offer of employment in the nominated occupation from an ACT employer; or
• A close family member (can include a spouse / partner of the applicant; or parents, brother, sister, grandparents, step parents, step siblings of the main applicant or their spouse / partner) who is:
o Currently residing in Canberra and has resided in Canberra for the last twelve months; and
o Either an Australian Permanent Resident or an Australian Citizen; and
o Over 18 years of age.
如果:职业closed,木有offer, 木有亲戚,这三条满足,就只能等了么???
求助,或者回复一条让我死心吧。。。~~~~(>_<)~~~~ |