本帖最后由 西澳瓶鼻海豚 于 16-11-2014 11:47 编辑
過戶師(律師)在房屋買賣過程中是(強烈建議)僱用的,除非你自己非常了解和熟悉整個paperwork 流程(相當不可能)
For the buyer – a conveyancer will:
Prepare, clarify and lodge legal documents – e.g. contract of sale, memorandum of transfer
Research the property and its certificate of title – check for easements, type of title and any other information that needs addressing
Put the deposit money in a trust account
Calculate the adjustment of rates and taxes
Settle the property – act on your behalf, advise you when the property is settled, contact your bank or financial institution on when final payments are being made
Represent your interest with a vendor or their agent
For the seller – a conveyance will:
Complete and ensure the legal documents are all sorted
Represent you and respond to requests from the buyer – for example, request to extend dates, title questions, etc
房屋訊息應該可以在 rp data ?(landgate?)付費就查得到
錢是由銀行和過戶師處理,不是自己匯款,過完戶之後借貸金額就出現在你帳戶內了 |