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Welcome to Westpac, Thank you for completing an application to open a Westpac bank account. We've received your application and are processing it now.
Please read a copy of Personal Accounts Terms & Conditions and Personal Accounts Fees & Charges
Within 15 business days your new bank account number and some information about your account will be sent to you in the post. If you do not receive your bank account details within this time, please email us at
15工作日内,阁下将收到有关新账户的信息【小树熊注:网上登记时,申请人被要求提供国内的联系地址,这个地址Westpac用于发Paper Mail给申请人】。如果你在这段时间里没有收到你的账户明细,请发email联系我们。
Did you know that before you arrive in Australia we may be able to assist you in applying for certain Westpac credit cards, home loans and foreign currency accounts? If you'd like more information please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below To activate your bank account and transact on your account in Australia you will need to follow these two steps:
1) Activate your Westpac bank account
When you receive your bank account number in the post you can start banking with Westpac. To activate your account you need to transfer funds into your account via telegraphic transfer. You will need to transfer funds within 30 days of the account being opened or your account will be automatically closed.
当你收到银行帐号,你就可以交易了。你须要通过电汇把资金汇入你的账户以激活它。你必须在30天内存入资金到你的账户,否则它将会撤销。【小树熊注:这30天是从你在网上提出申请算起的,而不是你收到Paper Mail开始算起】。
Before you arrive in Australia you can deposit funds into your Westpac bank account as often as you like. However, you will not be able to transfer or withdraw funds out of the account until you have provided us with proof of your identity at one of our branches. 在你到达澳洲之前你随时都可以往你的账户里存钱。然而,在你提供有效身份证明文件给我们的分支机构【小树熊注:这个操作Westpac叫“Identification Check”】之前,你是不能从账户中转出或支取资金。
2) When you arrive in Australia
On your arrival, you will need to provide us with proof of your identity, as required by Australian legislation. At the Westpac branch where your bank account was opened, our Migrant Banking staff are ready to assist you. If you visit them within 6 weeks of arriving in Australia, your passport is the only identification you need.
If you have been in Australia for more than the 6 weeks, you will need to comply with our standard identification requirements and provide identification documents worth "100 points". This means showing us your passport and additional identification.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing to bank with Westpac.
We hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip to Australia. See you soon!
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Before I arrive in Australia, how do I transfer funds into my Westpac bank account?
Please provide your local bank or forex dealer with the following details:
Westpac's Swift Code - WPACAU2S (Australia does not use IBANs)
Your BSB number
Your account number
Your banks name - Westpac Banking Corporation Australia
西太平洋银行的swift code -- WPACAU2S
你的BSB号码【小树熊注:Bank State Branch,相当于网点号,谢谢Far】
你的汇入行名——Westpac Banking Corporation Australia
2. How much does it cost to transfer funds into my account?
Please check with your local bank or forex dealer for their charges. Westpac will charge an AUD8.00 receiving fee.
3. How can I be sure my funds have arrived safely?
You can register your personal accounts for Telephone & Internet Banking by calling +612 9293 9270.
Once registered, you will be able to contact Telephone Banking or access Internet Banking to confirm your funds have arrived. Before you have provided identification at one of our branches, your access will be limited to 'View Only' and you will be unable to make any withdrawals (debit transactions) from your bank account.
你可以致电+612 9293 9270,以你的个人帐号注册电话银行和网上银行。
4. My bank account has been opened at a branch that is not convenient for me to visit, can I complete the identification check at another Westpac branch?
It is always best to complete your identification check at the branch where your account is held as we have dedicated Migrant Banking staff ready to assist you.
If, however, you must visit another branch to complete your identification check, please ensure you take along your Welcome Letter.
然而,如果你必须要到其他的网点来完成激活,请记住带上你的Welcom Letter。
5. Can I apply for a credit card?
If you can prove you'll be earning $15,000 or more per year in Australia or you have a balance greater than $300,000 in a Westpac bank account, you may be eligible to apply for a credit card* prior to your arrival. Proof of income could be an offer of employment in Australia or current bank statements showing interest income. We'll need copies of your passport & visa to assess your application. For more information on the eligibility criteria and Westpac credit cards on offer, visit the Westpac website at, click on 'International' under the Main Menu, then select 'Moving to Australia’. Information on Westpac credit cards and an application form can be found under 'Arrange your banking before leaving home'.
如果你能证明抵澳后有1万5千或以上澳元的年收入,或者你的账户余额超过30万澳元,你就有资格在抵澳前申请信用卡。收入证明可以是澳洲雇主的聘书或者能体现利息收入的银行存款证明。你还须要提供护照以及签证的拷贝。关于更详细的标准和更多西太平洋银行信用卡方面的信息,请访问我们的官方网站。点击主菜单上的‘internation’,选择‘Moving to Australia’。有关西太平洋银行信用卡业务方面的信息和申请表可以在‘Arrange your banking before leaving home’找到.
6. Can I apply for a home loan?
If you would like information on home loans* or the eligibility for pre-approval before you arrive in Australia, please visit the Westpac website at, click on 'International' under the Main Menu, then select 'Moving to Australia’. Information about Westpac home loans and an application form for pre-approval can be found under 'Arrange your banking before leaving home'.
如果你希望在抵澳前了解住房贷款或the eligibility for pre-approval【小树熊注:不会翻译 ,怕误导大家】的相关信息,请浏览我们的官方网站。点击主菜单上的‘internation’,选择‘Moving to Australia’。有关西太平洋银行住房贷款方面的信息和审批申请表可以在‘Arrange your banking before leaving home’找到.
7. Can I open a foreign currency account?
If you have a minimum balance of AUD 50, 000 or equivalent and would like to open a foreign currency account in order to keep some funds in a foreign currency please visit the Westpac website at, click on 'International' under the Main Menu, then select 'Moving to Australia’. Information about the foreign currency account and an application form can be found under 'Arrange your banking before leaving home'.
如果你拥有不少于5万澳元的等值外币资金,你可以开立外币账户来存放。请浏览我们的官方网站,点击主菜单上的‘internation’,选择‘Moving to Australia’。有关西太平洋银行外币账户方面的信息和申请表可以在‘Arrange your banking before leaving home’找到.
*credit card and home loan applications are subject to Westpac's normal lending criteria.
The information in this e-mail is factual only. It does not constitute financial product advice. Before acting on this information you should seek independent financial and taxation advice to determine its appropriateness to your objectives, financial situation and needs. Information current as at 26 June 2007.
[ 本帖最后由 小树熊 于 3-3-2008 11:47 编辑 ] |