Has the applicant completed, or is currently enrolled in, any studies at secondary level or above?
第一个问题有下拉菜单,我选了Bachelor Degree in Science, Business or Technology, 没问题。
第二个问题应该回答yes 或 no,鬼使神差我选了no。后来想想也许是心情太兴奋体力又太疲惫,看问题看太快目光的焦点集中在"Currently enrolled in", 所以就选了no。恨不得踢自己两脚!
打算提交form 1023来更正错误,请已经完成申请的移友帮忙看一下你们的填表记录,第二个问题回答yes之后出现的要填的项是什么。是跟Skillselect一样的如下填写项吗?
Course name
Institution name
Country of institution
Date from (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date to (dd/mm/yyyy)
Education history
Highest recognised
qualification obtained:
Bachelor Degree in Science, Business or Technology
Has the applicant completed, or is currently enrolled in, any studies at secondary level or above?
Give details of all past and current studies at secondary level and above.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Science, Business or Technology
Course name: Computer Science and Technology
Institution name: **** University
Country of institution: CHINA
Date from: 01 SEP ****
Date to: 31 JUL ****